View Full Version : Most of my anxiety symptoms have gone!

12-09-2007, 02:17 PM
The heart attack esque symptoms are gone!!

The only anxious ( well I hope it is ) symptom I have is.. well its a tense feeling in my throat, especially when I talk to people.. It feels as if I have a lump in my throat. I have been suffering from acid reflux too recently.

Has anyone experienced this?

12-10-2007, 01:42 AM
Hi theanxiousone

It's great that your heart symptoms have gone.

Try not to worry about the throat/reflux thing, this is very common amongst anxiety sufferers. It is caused by a lack of blood to the digestive system at times of anxiety and, like many of the physical effects of adrenalin, you might find that physical exercise helps to get rid of it.


12-21-2007, 04:36 PM
I know that feeling very well but it's not just when I told to people. I've been checked out by the throat doctor and everything is fine. He said it could acid reflux as well but I've learned to just kind of ignore it. Your throat isn't going to close up or anything.

The Melody of Rain
12-21-2007, 06:30 PM
I too get this at times.
My throat tenses and my voice changes.

12-21-2007, 06:46 PM
Hi all

Basically, what happens is this...

At times of anxiety there is a reaction between the hypothalamus in the brain and the pituitary gland that causes the adrenal cortices to release more adrenalin into the blood.

Every organ in your body has a certain amount of alpha or beta adreno-receptors. Adrenalin has a vaso-dilatory effect on the organs with more beta receptors so they receive more blood. These include your heart, your lungs and your skeletal muscles - anything that would help you to fight a foe or flee from it.

The organs with more alpha receptors receive less blood because they are not needed so much. These include most of your internal organs and your skin (that's why you go pale).

Unfortunately, when your digestive system starts to receive less blood, all sorts of uncomfortable things start to happen: indigestion, belching, butterflies, that sort of thing. Your digestine system also controls things like the production of saliva.

As another by-product of the adrenalin release, your muscles adopt a sort of semi-tensed standby mode. Couple this with the reduced salivation and possible acid reflux then you have a recipe for very strange feelings in the throat.

TACKLE THE ANXIETY, NOT THE SYMPTOMS. Your body is just reacting the same way everybody else's bosy reacts when faced with fear. Get rid of the fear and your body will return to normal.
