View Full Version : Flying In Two Weeks - I Dont Want To Go

10-01-2013, 01:21 PM
I'm flying in two weeks to America - (Miami) from London it's an 9 hour flight. I have no idea why I booked this holiday knowing I suffer with Anxiety, I keep thinking of the worst situation. The one situation that scares me the most even more than my flight crashing is having an Anxiety Attack on the plane in front of everyone making a scene. Any suggestions on coping with long journeys? I could really use a few as I'm setting myself up already with worry.

Thank you.

10-01-2013, 01:52 PM
I am an extremely fearful flyer (on top of having terrible anxiety just on a day to day basis!) so personally I would recommend medication (Ativan, for example). You don't necessarily have to even take it, but just knowing it's there can help psychologically. Also, I would recommend talking to a friendly looking flight attendant on board and explaining that you are an anxious flyer. They are soooooooo nice and they don't make you feel silly. They are just super helpful and are really good at offering sincere reassurance. That has been my experience anyway!

Good luck with your trip! Hope you have a fabulous holiday!!

10-01-2013, 01:56 PM
I have very bad anxiety (I am on meds) and just successfully completed a six hour flight from pa to wa.. I did it and u can too! I agree with at least having Xanax is something with u because just knowing it is there will help u. Also remember you have a better chance of having a car accident then a plane crash! Good luck!

10-01-2013, 02:02 PM
Thank you so much guys for your advice - I'll book an appointment with my doctor I've never taken medication for my Anxiety - I was told that 'Calms' is also good, also well done on your 6 hour flight yes it makes me feel a little comforted knowing it can be done. Again thank you for your advice :)

10-01-2013, 02:46 PM
I flew to London from America, and it actually went by fairly quickly, because I was watching the in-flight movies. Maybe that will help you zone out, and forget where you are for a while. Definitely recommend having a "break in case of emergency" med, so you will feel secure that you aren't going to freak in front of everyone. It's funny how we are all so self-conscious about that... it certainly doesn't help the anxiety! :)

10-02-2013, 07:50 AM
I went through this same thing recently (although a much shorter flight) I obsessed over it for weeks...was sick at the thought of making a scene on the plane (had mental images of them having to land because of me lol)

I got 2 xanax from a friend (naughty I know but no insurance and I was desperate)...had to take one when I got on the plane...the rest of the flight was great! Sometimes the worry leading up to the event is worst than the event itself *most times*

good luck!

10-02-2013, 02:54 PM
Yes I think your both right in having meds just Incase! My friend also suggested to watch films and to tell the flight attendant about my Anxiety.

Thank you again I'll be sure to let you know how it went :)

10-02-2013, 05:44 PM
Yes I think your both right in having meds just Incase! My friend also suggested to watch films and to tell the flight attendant about my Anxiety.

Thank you again I'll be sure to let you know how it went :)

Good luck!!! Also, when you're feeling anxious on the plane, try and focus on being at your destination. Think of all the fun things you'll do and try and remind yourself that the flight is just a means to an end, and it's only temporary. You will get off that plane!! You will arrive at your destination!!

Really hope you have a great vacation!

10-21-2013, 01:45 PM
Hey Guys -

So I'm here in Miami USA arrived last Tues. the flight was awful I had one Huge anxiety attack which set off clusters of them after. It started maybe half way through the flight I was watching Oblivion and all of a sudden my heart began to beat out of control and really fast I was right at the 4th seat at the end sitting next to the toilet. My friends were non the wiser of what was going on so I began to panic inside my thoughts were - "Oh My God My Worst Nightmare is happening what am I going to do?" So this thought made me feel even worse which then brought on another wave of anxiety and my heart carried on beating faster no my breathing is becoming effected. So I closed my eyes first started to gain back control in my breathing by taking big slow deep breaths through my nose and exhaling out through my mouth repeating the word Relax. I then began to talk to myself reminding me that this is an anxiety attack my heart is fine it's beating fast but it's strong and I'm going to be ok. This was working and slowly I became in control and my heart was beating at a normal rate. Though this was not the end throughout the whole journey I had mini clusters of attacks and ever since arriving in Miami my anxiety levels have been the worst in years. I've missed three outings due to my anxiety scared that I'll have one when I'm out blaming it on period pains to my friends, right now I'm in the hotel writing this while they are at the Mall. Anxiety disorders are so crippling you try your hardest to lead a normal life but like a shadow it follows you and attacks when your happy. I'm so low right now I'm missing out on so much plus I'm dreading the flight back home to London :(

10-21-2013, 02:29 PM
Hey Guys -

So I'm here in Miami USA arrived last Tues. the flight was awful I had one Huge anxiety attack which set off clusters of them after. It started maybe half way through the flight I was watching Oblivion and all of a sudden my heart began to beat out of control and really fast I was right at the 4th seat at the end sitting next to the toilet. My friends were non the wiser of what was going on so I began to panic inside my thoughts were - "Oh My God My Worst Nightmare is happening what am I going to do?" So this thought made me feel even worse which then brought on another wave of anxiety and my heart carried on beating faster no my breathing is becoming effected. So I closed my eyes first started to gain back control in my breathing by taking big slow deep breaths through my nose and exhaling out through my mouth repeating the word Relax. I then began to talk to myself reminding me that this is an anxiety attack my heart is fine it's beating fast but it's strong and I'm going to be ok. This was working and slowly I became in control and my heart was beating at a normal rate. Though this was not the end throughout the whole journey I had mini clusters of attacks and ever since arriving in Miami my anxiety levels have been the worst in years. I've missed three outings due to my anxiety scared that I'll have one when I'm out blaming it on period pains to my friends, right now I'm in the hotel writing this while they are at the Mall. Anxiety disorders are so crippling you try your hardest to lead a normal life but like a shadow it follows you and attacks when your happy. I'm so low right now I'm missing out on so much plus I'm dreading the flight back home to London :(

ugh so sorry to hear this. It happens to the best of us!! Keep the phrase "this too shall pass" in your mind.

Think of this trip as an opportunity for exposure therapy. Try to force yourself to do some of these activities. If you can make it through a plane ride, controlling your anxiety as good as you did (enclosed in a metal box a thousand feet in the air) the rest will be a breeze for you...and every activity you make it through successfully is a blow to your anxiety.

I dont know you or your friends, but maybe consider just telling them. Tell them you have general anxiety disorder, it sucks, you need some help enjoying the trip and just to bear with you if you have an attack. Telling them and knowing you have support and you dont have to hide symptoms will make it 100x better.

Good luck I will send some good energy your way!

10-21-2013, 03:30 PM
Thank you Cryfreedom66 for your kind words - I had to laugh when you wrote the phrase Mental Box because that is exactly how it felt.

Take care xxx

10-21-2013, 05:31 PM
I really love what Cryfreedom writes here and I second everything in that post! First off, well done for making the trip at all!!! I'm sorry you had a difficult time on the flight, but it sounds like you did an awesome job of talking yourself through it and calming yourself down. So really give yourself a huge pat on the back and try and feel good about yourself for making it through the plane journey.

Now you've arrived hopefully you can spend some time relaxing. I can imagine your anxiety is high because your body is dealing with jet lag and you are still getting over the stress of the flight. So even if your friends are charging off to the mall, it's fine if you chill by the hotel pool on your own instead! You need to take it easy, so don't push yourself too hard or feel bad about not wanting to hit the shops or the clubs or whatever right away. Saying you have period pains sounds like a great excuse to me, or, as Cryfreedom says, you could just be honest with your friends too (depending on how understanding they are likely to be).

Anyhow, well done again for making it through the flight! I really hope you get to enjoy your vacation! Check in here whenever you need support and encouragement!

10-24-2013, 12:28 PM
Thank you Tailspin for your kind words and encouragement - I managed to travel on my own to the Mall which was a challenge in itself but I did and I felt so good and more confident. I guess Anxiety will always be apart of me it's just at times it can really hold me back in life and relationships. Well I'm flying back home tonight and I'm sooo tired I just hope and pray that I will be able to sleep on the plane.

Again thank you all for your kind words and advice I really so appreciate it :)

10-24-2013, 03:28 PM
Thank you Tailspin for your kind words and encouragement - I managed to travel on my own to the Mall which was a challenge in itself but I did and I felt so good and more confident. I guess Anxiety will always be apart of me it's just at times it can really hold me back in life and relationships. Well I'm flying back home tonight and I'm sooo tired I just hope and pray that I will be able to sleep on the plane.

Again thank you all for your kind words and advice I really so appreciate it :)

It's great you went to the mall and that it gave your confidence a boost to face that challenge! Good luck for the flight home tomorrow!!! Really hope it goes smoothly and that you sleep for most of it! Let us know when you're back home safely.

10-24-2013, 03:36 PM
I hope your flight home goes much better as well. Have you ever tried EFT for this? it's also known as tapping. You can look up videos on youtube but it works really well for fear.
Hoping you the best and a very smooth and wonderful flight!

10-29-2013, 06:42 AM
Afternoon Guys - Tailspin again thank you for yours words of comfort you have been a true friend throughout this challenge which was meant to be a relaxing holiday!

The flight home was a lot better even though I didn't manage to sleep mainly because I was seated right next to the toilet. Touched down and went straight home to have a sleep I was extremely Jet Lagged and have been trying to get back to normal since Friday.

Again thank you all for your kind words :)

10-29-2013, 06:46 AM
TrueVoiceInc - My flight home was a lot better thank you no nasty anxiety attacks just a few nervous jitters but I guess I was so tired at this point that my body and mind was on Auto.

No I haven't yet tried Tapping what is it I'll google it now sounds interesting.

Thank you for your kind words and advice :)

10-29-2013, 09:13 AM
I use to fly all over the world and then panic struck and flying more than 3 hrs became difficult ...my panic relapses and remits ...I've sat thru 10 hr flights to Cairo and Hawaii with panic ..like being tortured...I relapsed a few months ago with panic and had to
Fly 3 hrs to Florida ...I blacked out from panic during takeoff ...woke up drenched in sweat and shaking profusely ....I black out with my panic ...it's happened on 3 separate flights over the yrs ...I loved to fly and I have PTSD now on planes ..I think you did great !!!

10-29-2013, 09:34 AM
Mhillqt I'm so sorry to hear you also suffer with panic attacks on the plane. I have never blacked out though that is a big fear of mine either fairing or blacking out. I think it's our body and minds way of saying - "Shit overload let's shutdown and re start." I also used to love flying as a kid I would get extremely excited I've even flown on a plane by myself at the age of 12 of course I had a flight attendant with me the whole time. I guess my fear of flying started after 9/11 I was sixteen and even then at that age I was more cautious about flying the excitement feeling was replaced with fear. Now in my late 20's I'm a wreck before the actual flight when the lights turn on to fasten your seatbelt that's when I start to panic then as the plane takes off I think it's the noise and shaking that drives me to the edge of my seat grasping for dear life. It's not a nice feeling because with all Anxiety to feel that you are trapped while having an Anxiety Attack is probably ever sufferers worse nightmare you can't exactly past up and down, you can't escape into the toilet for some privacy till it passes, you are literally there dealing with the Anxiety in front of you.
I can totally relate to you and your fear of flying now I've learnt that closing my eyes and concentrating on my breathing helps it doesn't stop it but it helps me from freaking out.

All the best :)

10-29-2013, 09:39 AM
I'm actually not afraid of flying ... I'm afraid of blacking out since I faint with panic....I actually worked in the World Trade Center and was one if the people running away on 9/11 but its not the cause if my issue with planes

10-29-2013, 10:01 AM
Ok I see what you mean - I never thought 9/11 would have affected me until I started CBT and my therapist linked my fear with 9/11. Also because I live in Central London she also linked my fear of riding the Underground to the attacks in 2005. Now when traveling on the underground I tend to just close my eyes and rest my head until I hear my stop.

10-29-2013, 10:06 AM
What's odd is that my panic was in remission diring 9/11 and having been in the trade center that day and experiencing that horror firsthand I didn't relapse and flew 6 hrs 2 weeks after ...very odd!!! Last year I experienced my flooded home during superstorm sandy and still was fine ...thus yr I relapsed in April 2013 and list my full time job and been in bad shape ever since

10-29-2013, 11:52 AM
Hi mosa! I'm so glad your flight home went pretty smoothly! That's great news!! Well done for making it through this!!!!!

10-30-2013, 07:56 AM
Mhillqt - From what I've learnt Anxiety has no pattern and she gives no warning it's only when you look back and link all the dots together. It was once explained to me that our emotions can be stretched like an elastic band and not dealing with them or confronting them can lead to it coming back all at once with an almighty slap.
Me personally I look at Anxiety as a perfectly normal and a natural emotion everyone in their life at some point has dealt with some kind of Anxiety it's built in our code for survival. What's not normal is when it controls your life and effects your day to day routine. Anxiety disorders are so crippling and I admire anyone who has to deal with it everyday, there has not been a day that has gone past since 2010 were I'm Anxiety free. Most days they are mild but my thought pattern is manic people who don't know me always regard me as a calm and polite person. When I hear that I have to laugh inside because like a swan my legs are paddling for dear life underneath that water. I've tried all sorts CBT - Spiritual Awareness - You name it and yes I'm a lot better at coping with the physical symptoms but the emotions are like a weight holding me down it's like a constant battle with the mind and just to be free from that...
Anyway babbling on like this makes me think how selfish am I when there is soo many Human Beings out there dealing with nightmare situations and there's me moaning about something that is all in my head.

Mhillqt I can't even begin to imagine what you have been through with the events you witnessed I can only be here for you whenever you want to vent or have a discussion.

Tailspin as always you are an amazing agony aunt or uncle :D Always have the right way of explaining things. Thank you :)