View Full Version : Fearful of flying

10-01-2013, 06:05 AM
I have really bad anxiety about a lot, well I'm supposed to be going to California for my bootcamp tomorrow, and I'm scared out of my mind, I keep thinking what if it crashes, what if I don't make it, and my mind keeps making connections, like someone on tv referenced 9/11 so I thought maybe that means something, or I just saw my brother, but didn't get to say bye so I thought maybe I never see him again, I keep having all these fears even writing this I'm scared I'm jinxing it, I don't know how to get over these fears, I'm really scared and just want someone to tell me it will be ok.

10-01-2013, 06:44 AM
Flying is like the safest form of transportation, but I know that isn't always a help :)

How long is the flight?

Find some coping statements to repeat, instead of working yourself up into a frenzy. Whenever bad ideas cross your mind, interrupt it witha coping statement. You could also practice some visualisations of the whole flight going successfully, if you have time.

My mum hates flying, but has flown a few times over the last couple of years. Rescue remedy seems to really help her, I don't know if any stores near you sell it?

10-01-2013, 07:17 AM
You're feeling anticipatory anxiety and once on your way, you'll calm down. Now you know why all airports have crowded bars. :).
The dangerous part of the trip will be driving too/from the airport(yes, flying is that safe as Jessed mentions). Some steady, slow deep breathing should help calm you. Yes, It will be OK, Alankay

10-01-2013, 08:30 AM
I'm exactly the same and flying to Canada on Friday with 4 internal flights in the following 2 1/2 weeks. I've bought "rescue" chewing gum and gummy stars for the flight and also have diazepam as well as my beta blockers. I have loud reducing ear phones I wear on take off and landing (you just have to prove to air stewardess you are not listening to anything electrical) and then have a drink or two. I saw my son today for the last time before my flight and I felt exactly the same about making sure I kiss him "just incase". I have bought a book about beating anxiety which I will also read in the plane to try and calm me.

I hope just anything from the above could try and help you just a little bit as I totally understand where you are coming from.

10-01-2013, 12:11 PM
I have become terrified of flying and haven't been on a plane in over 6 years, so I really feel for you!!! It's great you are making the trip, despite your fears! I do think medication can be helpful if the fear is really intense so not sure if you have time to get a prescription from your doctor? But that is something I would recommend. Even if you don't take it, it can sometimes be really helpful just knowing you have it on hand (though if you've never taken a tranquilizer before you might want to take one ahead of time just to be sure you don't have a bad reaction to it. That is very unlikely though!)

Another thing I found helpful when I flew was to seek out a friendly looking flight attendant and tell her that I'm scared of flying. They are always so nice and reassuring and it really helped me to talk to one of the flight crew about my fears.

Hope the trip goes well!!!!!!