View Full Version : Increasing Anxiety

10-01-2013, 02:46 AM
Hello there. My name is Josh, I'm 21, and for the past year or so, my anxiety has been increasing a lot.

I've always been sort of a worrywart, and I was diagnosed with depression when I was in my teens. However, about a year ago, I started suffering from panic attacks usually at night. I would be trying to sleep, and suddenly I would start sweating and my heart was racing. However, other than that, I was doing well for a long time. I was working a part time job, going to college, and I would hang out with friends.

But up until about 3 or 4 months ago, I started getting dull, sharp pains in my back, chest, and left arm. I was very worried something was wrong with my heart, but I went to the doctor's office probably 4 or 5 times, had EKG's done, and everyone was confident I had no heart trouble. The pain continues today, and has moved over to my right arm as well. It's been causing me a tremendous amount of stress, I feel like I am constantly on edge waiting for the worst to happen. Like my arms and chest are being squeezed, and I get tightness in my chest. I know these are all common symptoms of anxiety, but the pain is there all day, not just when I panic. I ended up quitting my job, I barely go outside anymore, I just sit at home feeling stressed even though I'm not doing anything...

I wanted to join this forum and see if other people experience this kind of pain from anxiety as well. I really, really want to feel better but I'm just not sure what to do.


10-01-2013, 03:27 AM
Yes the pains can happen for sure. Have you considered talking with a therapist yet? Alankay

10-01-2013, 04:03 AM
I have actually, I've been looking up different mental health clinics around my area and deciding where to go for therapy. I have also been taking citalipram 10mg for the past year, but it is supposed to be geared more towards depression so I don't think it's really helping anymore. And I actually just started a new medication today per my doctors request called buspirone 5mg. So I am still waiting to see if that will help my anxiety.

Thanks for responding


10-01-2013, 04:27 AM
10 mg of citalopram isn't alot , I've just moved upto 30mg and find its really helping with the anxiety and depression. I suffer with PTSD, I've always been strong but this year everything just got ontop of me and I broke. the citalopram makes the days more bearable. :)

10-01-2013, 11:32 PM
It sounds like you need to make certain that the pains in your chest etc are not an illness and then once you know for definite it is anxiety and depression causing it you will find peace at just trying to deal with the anxiety and depression.
It is good that you are already getting help and are willing to try to get some help.
I try meditation and hypnotherapy and find they both help me lots. You have to practise both every day to make them work, but it is worth the hard work.
Hope you find the forum helps you.

10-01-2013, 11:55 PM
Hi Josh,

Welcome to the site! You are definitely not alone with your symptoms and you will quickly find you are in good company here! I agree with Lin, it's great you are being so pro-active about getting help. I hope you're able to get started with therapy soon and that your new medication helps. In the meantime, this site is a really good resource and I hope you like it here! Wishing you the best!

10-02-2013, 12:26 AM
Hello everyone, thanks so much for the replies! I really do hope I get better soon, and I'm glad I'm here because I feel better already about my anxiety. :D

10-02-2013, 03:39 AM
I have felt similar symptoms for years before i was finally diagnosed with GAD..im taking lexapro 10 mg,it helps but there are times when i feel like the medz is not working because i still experience so much anxiety..im so embarrassed when it happens

10-02-2013, 05:10 AM
Hey Josh, and welcome here !

I can somewhat relate to your situation. Chest/arm pain has been plaguing me recently. There were days the pain would be there all day and those days had me over the top stressed out to where I was not a functioning person. Even if I wasn't worrying, the pain would make me worry and I'd feel really sick.. A trip to the doctors and a clean bill of health didn't stop the pain, but it greatly helps to just listen to your doctor and believe the professional that you are okay. If your tests came back all right, just keep reminding yourself of that when you have pain. Not an easy thing to do, and my pain still upsets me today, but it's nowhere near as bad. Being calm and distracting yourself helps greatly.. a hard thing to do when it keeps nagging at you, but you will get through it..as Tailspin said, you are not alone..lots of great support and advice here..good luck to you :)

10-05-2013, 10:51 PM
I don't get pains down my arm or in my chest but when I am panicking I get terrible palpitations in my chest and it feels like my heart is missing beats. I think this is similar to what you are feeling. I know my heart is OK because I had an ECG before a knee operation recently, so I know mine is panic. However, knowing it is panic still does not help and it is horrible having the palpitations. I can only control my panic when I have them by concentrating on my breathing, slow and deep and even counting my breathing helps.