View Full Version : At Ease

10-01-2013, 12:49 AM
Today I feel more at ease with myself. My heart rate is staying a constant rate and its still hard to believe. In my mind I'm like what's going on and why is my heart not pumping a ill faster and my mind is shut off. Its like why are u trying to b anxious right now just chill. Gona take some getting used to since having it everyday. Wish me luck and did I say I'm loving it and I'm getting my appetite back after stopping celexa.

10-01-2013, 12:58 AM
I always get confused on days when I don't have anxiety, too. I get scared it's all a trick I guess and that soon things will be bad again.

10-01-2013, 12:58 AM
Good luck and that's great news I'm pleased your feeling better. I used to get days like that after anxiety being bad for so long when a good day comes I used to think something was wrong haha. But just chill and enjoy :-)

10-01-2013, 01:04 AM
Sweetypie: that's exactly how I'm feeling too but I'm not gona worry anymore because it will only come back. I was constantly checking my heart rate and it was just as if I was resting

Petrified: thank you I'll need it cuz ima go back to work now but more of a sit down relax job so I don't put too much stress on myself. How do you feel?

10-01-2013, 01:09 AM
Sweetypie: that's exactly how I'm feeling too but I'm not gona worry anymore because it will only come back. I was constantly checking my heart rate and it was just as if I was resting

Petrified: thank you I'll need it cuz ima go back to work now but more of a sit down relax job so I don't put too much stress on myself. How do you feel?

You'll be fine at work just keep thinking positive about it. I'm great thank you I'm on day 3 of no panic and hardly any symptoms so I'm feeling really good. I've started on new meds which are finally working for me :-)

10-01-2013, 01:14 AM
You'll be fine at work just keep thinking positive about it. I'm great thank you I'm on day 3 of no panic and hardly any symptoms so I'm feeling really good. I've started on new meds which are finally working for me :-)

That's great!!! I'm glad your doing better. Medication isn't for me I'm too sensitive to idea effects so I am taking my vitamins everyday and that's helping a lot. Still working on my GERD but I will be fine :)

10-01-2013, 01:33 AM
You will! I'm pleased you are finding a way to help your anxiety :-)

10-01-2013, 01:48 AM
You will! I'm pleased you are finding a way to help your anxiety :-)

I'm really happy for u too. Now we can get our life back and nothing is more sweeter than that :)