View Full Version : Think you'll go crazy?

09-30-2013, 08:56 PM
When your anxiety hits, do you feel like you're going crazy? Obsess that this is just the start and you're going to start saying off the wall things? Worry if you're becoming manic? Worry that others perceive you as acting abnormal for yourself? Worry that becoming bipolar or schizophrenic is around the corner?This is what I obsess about when anxious. :( Hate it.

09-30-2013, 09:04 PM
have the exact same thing. Its all POINTLESS fear that comes with the excess adrenaline. When you get a adrenaline rush your body is telling you to fight. However when you get it out of know where you start having the worst thoughts of what you fear and it makes it feel like something is going to happen. I have recognized this though but sometimes it still comes to me. Not obsessing about it is hard. I constantly obsess about certain thoughts I have and I constantly obsess how I am feeling. I have a fear of becoming depressed. I know im not depressed. There are SOME DAYS when i feel a little off but ITS ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY when my anxiety has been effecting me or I am "obsessing" about something. So I have figured out what "brings me down" and the root. But overall I am generally happy. This disease is only making us stronger in the end and I fucking love fighting it. Its made me so aware of myself that its a fucking blessing because I am only going to be stronger coming out of it.

09-30-2013, 10:28 PM
OMG. YES. I am having this SO BADLY. I feel like I am going insane. Like I can't control anything I say or do and like I'm totally manic and bipolar.

Today, I literally went from sobbing uncontrollably to laughing to screaming to sobbing and I'm like "WTF just happened!"

09-30-2013, 11:08 PM
OMG. YES. I am having this SO BADLY. I feel like I am going insane. Like I can't control anything I say or do and like I'm totally manic and bipolar.

Today, I literally went from sobbing uncontrollably to laughing to screaming to sobbing and I'm like "WTF just happened!"

from the research I have done Anxiety causes STRONG emotions. So when you are happy, you are REALLY happy. When you are sad YOU ARE REALLY SAD. Everything is just stronger with anxiety. Overtime as anxiety goes away you become more mellow and relaxed. Its all one big clusterfuck lol but its funny.

10-01-2013, 12:57 AM
^ That makes so much sense to me. I just want to be mellow again.

10-01-2013, 10:44 AM
When your anxiety hits, do you feel like you're going crazy? Obsess that this is just the start and you're going to start saying off the wall things? Worry if you're becoming manic? Worry that others perceive you as acting abnormal for yourself? Worry that becoming bipolar or schizophrenic is around the corner?This is what I obsess about when anxious. :( Hate it.

Yes, I definitely worry about it escalating. I am trying to be strong about these new meds, and was looking myself in the mirror the other day, saying (in my head) "We can do this!"... then I'm like "Who's WE??" and starting wondering if everyone says/does that, or if I'm just completely nuts. lol

10-03-2013, 01:03 AM
Yep. Totally understand the "we" concern. "We"...then I would wonder if I'm going to have a mental break for saying "we" as if I'm on the path to crazy. I'm constantly overthinking things - how do people perceive me? Am I acting strange? Am I having irrational thoughts? I don't think I've ever had an irrational thought...never thought I could fly or had visions of grandeur. :) But, I just can't shake the worry about going crazy. As if my therapist and doctors are wrong and the worst is to come. Makes me sad.