View Full Version : Urgent Help Needed

09-30-2013, 08:07 PM
Firstly if this is in the wrong place I apologise but anyway I'll try my best to explain what's wrong

Well I think what I had was an Anxiety attack (I'm not sure if I actually have anxiety but I think it probably is isnce it usually only occurs in social situations), so I'm going to try and go to the doctors tomorrow, but I will explain my situation below.

I have just started University, 2 weeks ago, I'm not too good around people, i'm not the worst but I'm certainly not the best, (mainly social awkwardness, although lately I've been thinking it's social anxiety) but since my college friends have mostly all gone to different places/doing different courses I've had to try and make new friends. I managed to make some 'friends', atleast I think they're friends since I feel like there're two diferent things, one telling me they are my friends and the other telling me that they're not really 'friends'; which then results in me getting extremely nervous and thinking about how, even though it is highly unlikely/irrational, they're talking about me behind my back etc.
I then start to feel depressed, stressed and like an outsider, like I'm sat at a table with them, but the table keeps getting longer and longer until I'm so far away, making me feel left out like an outsider, like I don't belong.
Furthermore, during our lunch break/group discussions etc, the part that is telling me that they're not really friends also tells me that they're actively ignoring me, like they don't want to be sat near me or include me; which even if they do include me I find it hard to communicate as I'm extremely nervous/anxious in addition to, when looking at them whilst talking etc, feeling like/imagianing that they are making fun of me inside their heads, thinking about what they are thinking about me etc.
This all compiles together and all I can do is go over and over it in my head, thinking how I should've said that isntead or done that differently how they all now think that I'm weird and wish they could ditch me but I'm just a burden. But no matter how hard I try to convince myself it isn't true and is irrational I always end up believing it in the end.
This goes on every single day; and worsens during the night, usually when I try to go to sleep, I haven't had much sleep in a while now so I've resulted in trying to force myself to sleep by constantly making myself tired.
But it's gotten to the point now where I feel like i'm going insane.
(I can't continue anymore for now, I've started crying again and finding it heard to breath so I'm going to take a break for now....I just really want some help).

09-30-2013, 08:30 PM
Anxiety often peaks during transitions in life. Same with social anxiety(SA). It's easy to over think everything. No one is talking about you as they are busy with their plans, issues, etc. Visit the doc and see what he thinks. We'll be here too. :). Alankay

09-30-2013, 08:35 PM
Have you tried talking to a professional about this? A counselor or psychiatrist?

09-30-2013, 08:52 PM
Anxiety often peaks during transitions in life. Same with social anxiety(SA). It's easy to over think everything. No one is talking about you as they are busy with their plans, issues, etc. Visit the doc and see what he thinks. We'll be here too. :). Alankay
Thanks, I will let you know how it goes.

Have you tried talking to a professional about this? A counselor or psychiatrist?
No I haven't, I'm only 18 and I originally thought it was just social awkwardness around people and jsut went along with it, but It's gotten to a point where I think it would be best to see a doctor, but I don't want to be taking meds or anything like that or seeing a psychiatrist.
I just want help to overcome it :cry:

I might give it another week or two, to see if it's just me adjusting to the new uni environment and people - since I've only been at uni 2 weeks, if it doesn't I'll see a doctor. <--- Would this be a good idea?

09-30-2013, 11:41 PM
Theres no shame in seeing a psychiatrist. You don't have to take meds sometimes I can help to just talk to someone about it. Someone who is experienced and can give you tips on overcoming what your experiencing. But yes you just made a big transition so these feelings are going to be expected. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you and in the same boat.

10-01-2013, 06:36 AM
Theres no shame in seeing a psychiatrist. You don't have to take meds sometimes I can help to just talk to someone about it. Someone who is experienced and can give you tips on overcoming what your experiencing. But yes you just made a big transition so these feelings are going to be expected. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you and in the same boat.
I don't think I can see a psychiatrist, I presume that they are expensive, as I don't have the funds