View Full Version : Is this common? Is there any hope for me?

09-30-2013, 06:07 PM
So about a year ago, I overdosed on Vicodin. This led to an EXTREME panic attack. I thought I was dying. I was SO convinced that I was throwing up, shaking uncontrollably, having trouble breathing. I woke up the next morning with anxiety. Anxiety does run in my family but I didn't know what I was feeling at the time. I had a weird obsession with my heart failing or that I had brain damage because of the Vicodin. After about 3 weeks, I finally calmed down and life went back to normal. Then I drank two monsters and a mountain in one hour (I weigh 80 lbs). This insane overdose of caffeine sent me over the edge. I was rushed to the emergency room for heart palpitations and a bpm of 120. Scary shit. I was put on an EKG and IV to dilute all of the caffeine. Since that incident, my anxiety has come back FULL FORCE. I have derealization from it. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's the feeling of your surroundings being foreign or looking strange. You just don't feel connected to anything. I've gone on like this for almost a year. I've tried Celexa, Lexapro, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, and Klonopin. Right now I'm on the last three and doing ok besides the insomnia from the wellbutrin. But I'm just so worried about this DEREALIZATION. Does this go away? Ever? Am I doomed to a life of having a horribly foggy mind, blunted emotions, fatigue, and anxiety? Please, tell me your experiences. I'm in such a desperate need for hope right now... Thank you<3

09-30-2013, 08:33 PM
As you learn to cope with anxiety and how to lower it so will symptoms like disassociation. Hang in there. Alankay

09-30-2013, 09:08 PM
I've tried almost everything. From medications to meditation. And my derealization has lowered but not once has it given me a break. It's getting hard to live now. I feel like I'm suffocating. Are you for sure it goes away when the anxiety does?

09-30-2013, 09:16 PM
All of that goes away once anxiety lowers. I use to get "nervous stomach" and it has since then been lowered because my anxiety is decreasing. I still get shortness of breath (suffocating) but i learned to control it over slow breathing. Dont focus to much on your breath or you will just constantly obsess about it and feel like you are suffocating. Find something you like to do to take your mind off of it.

10-01-2013, 12:39 PM
Another thing I get is a lump in my throat. I know it's common for anxiety so I never stress about it so it comes and goes as it pleases and I don't really mind it. Just when I'm feeling less anxious, shouldn't the detached feeling subside a little too? That's what scares me into thinking I'll always be detached. It's really scary. I've learned to cope but I don't want to cope. I want to LIVE.