View Full Version : Anxiety meds

09-30-2013, 04:35 PM
Is anyone taking a daily anxiety medication that actually works? I love xanex...don't we all :) but the doctors frown upon using it daily. I tried Wellbutrin and it made me feel worse :(. Maybe I didn't give it enough time :/. I was only on it for about a month and I felt worse !!! If anyone is on anything that helps please reply...thanks!!!

09-30-2013, 04:48 PM
I took Zoloft for a while. It was rough in the beginning but I did eventually get relief.

09-30-2013, 04:58 PM
I took Zoloft for several years too and it definitely helped considerably with my anxiety. I also have depression and I didn't feel the Zoloft was helping enough with that so I recently switched to another SSRI called Lexapro.

Personally I find SSRI's more helpful than benzo's for my anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder with some phobias and occasional panic attacks). I need something that I can take every day that will help stabilize me over time, and benzo's tend to work best for a short period of time rather than long term (though I do use them in dire emergencies).

Sorry the Wellbutrin didn't work out for you, but have you ever thought about trying another type of anti-depressant, a standard SSRI like Zoloft or Lexapro? It might be worth a try?

09-30-2013, 07:35 PM
Beta blockers r helpful

09-30-2013, 08:33 PM
Im more of a natural supplements kinda guy but ive heard good things about gabapentin and busbar.

09-30-2013, 08:44 PM
Im more of a natural supplements kinda guy but ive heard good things about gabapentin and busbar.

I've tried L theanine. Helps a little. Just makes me more tired though....Heard kava kava helps and St. John's wort. Also...ahwaganda. So do you have any experience with any of these ?

09-30-2013, 08:48 PM
Lexapro does wonders for me. I still have anxiety sometimes but I'm worlds better.

09-30-2013, 08:53 PM
[QUOTE="Stephj526;120532"]Lexapro does wonders for me. I still have anxiety sometimes but I'm worlds better.[/QUOTE

Was it horrible the first few weeks?

09-30-2013, 09:00 PM
It was for me. I've heard some people do great. But I had increased anxiety, stomach issues, and general feeling like poop for the first 2-4 weeks. But it got better gradually and now I don't get any weird side effects.

09-30-2013, 11:43 PM
I've tried L theanine. Helps a little. Just makes me more tired though....Heard kava kava helps and St. John's wort. Also...ahwaganda. So do you have any experience with any of these ?

No personal experience with those drugs just heard good things from others. I've found Natural Calm Magnesium, Rescue Remedy, Taurine, Glycine, Inositol, Vitamin D, and sometimes Gaba all help tremendously.

10-01-2013, 05:20 AM
I take clonazepam and Zoloft daily, and have for the past 18 years. I have never increased the dose and I take Xanax when my anxiety is particularly bad. I've had no side effects. If a drug works for you, and you are not abusing it, tell you doctor you'd like to continue. Again, if it works and you aren't taking more than the prescribed dose, that is, if you are taking it as directed, then communicate that to your doctor.

10-01-2013, 09:58 AM
Is anyone taking a daily anxiety medication that actually works? I love xanex...don't we all :) but the doctors frown upon using it daily. I tried Wellbutrin and it made me feel worse :(. Maybe I didn't give it enough time :/. I was only on it for about a month and I felt worse !!! If anyone is on anything that helps please reply...thanks!!!

I just started Wellbutrin a week ago, and I feel VERY anxious after taking it, and for most of the day. I am trying to get through it, though. People say 4-8 weeks is what it takes to really have the proper effect. The same for any other anti-depressant. It sucks to think of dealing that long, but I am trying to stay hopeful. The alternative is that I was anxious without it, with no solid hope that I would ever get better. Meds are a bit scary, huh?

10-01-2013, 12:02 PM
I have taken many different medications and they either do not work, make me sleepy or give me horrible side effects. Some have made the anxiety worse. St. John's Wort was one of the worse things I tried. I am trying Wellbutrin now and I feel no better. I am taking Abilify for depression and it totally helps my depression but I am starting to think it is causing my anxiety.

10-01-2013, 12:56 PM
Clonazepam 0.5 once a day and gabapentin 900mg daily seems to work well. I take a half of zoplicone at bed time, I have not idea if it helps to sleep or not. Maybe it is gabapentin more than Zoplicone. When the panic hits, Lorazepam - ativan under the tongue I think it is 1 mg. That combination seems to work, (no panic attack for over three months) I am dealing with depression and anxiety at least 30 years or more, there was a lot of meds. some worked some do not. :))