View Full Version : This is a new low - sort of panicking right now

09-30-2013, 01:12 PM
So here I am sitting by the computer, at home, reading some articles and all of a sudden I kind of felt a shortness of breath (most likely all in my head). I then became hyperaware of my breathing and if I had to make myself breath; my vision got blurry-ish (not too bad).

Anyway, I am trying to not make this turn into a full fledge panic attack. I got in my car (probably not the best idea) and went to the gas station to get gas and drove around the neighborhood a little to get my mind off of it. I think it is if off of it enough but the breathing thing is still bothering me.

It's been almost 30 mins. I was thinking of driving to the hospital, haha. I know they will tell me it is just anxiety symptoms, but I don't know, this hasn't happened to me really. 4-5 years ago something similar happened I became hyperaware of my breathing, and threw into a panicky state, but that was the only time it really happened and never felt something like this again (until now).

If this becomes the norm, I am going to start meds.

09-30-2013, 01:21 PM
I am having the same symptoms RIGHT NOW. Sucks!! In my case, I started a med last week and it's made things a bit worse (hopefully temporary, as everyone says) and I am trying to keep my eyes on the prize. I find myself having stopped breathing for a little, and then make myself take a big breath. Then it worries me that I stopped breathing. UGH! In short, you are not alone. :)

09-30-2013, 01:23 PM
Yeah not fun at all! I am calming down now, but I really wish this hadn't happened. I have to 'hide' this away somewhere, I really don't want to open this can of worms!

Also about your meds, what did you start? I have heard by numerous people sometimes it gets a little worse before it gets better.

09-30-2013, 01:34 PM
I think hiding stuff away is what gets me into trouble. Then it comes bubbling up when I least expect it.

I started 150mg of Wellbutrin last Tuesday. The doctor thinks/hopes it will eventually help my anxiety. My anxiety-suffering best friend had the same reaction from a different anti-depressant, and said she felt all keyed up like I do, for the first few weeks. I hate feeling jittery!!