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09-30-2013, 12:21 PM
My legs feel like lead sometimes,I have looked it up and it could be a heart condition,now I have pains in my chest!!!!!!I am fed up of this!!!!!

09-30-2013, 12:31 PM
How can a heart condition make your legs feel like lead? Just wondering. Sounds odd to me. You cannot always trust what you read on the internet. Half of the info we read is worse case scenario, do try not to put too much faith in it. As an anxiety sufferer I know it's hard, but it's better to stay away from Google!!

09-30-2013, 01:40 PM
But, if there was a real issue, wouldn't they feel like lead all the time? These are the kind of things I tell myself... Hope you feel better soon!

09-30-2013, 02:27 PM
I now how you feel Hun, it's like are minds are so good at flitting from one thing to the next and making up imaginary symptoms. Google is terrible my doctor told me to only check my symptoms on patient.co.uk it still made me worse lol. Once that idea is there it's pretty hard to get rid of. I've lost count of the amount of nights I've sat up drinking coffee so I didn't die in my sleep. I've now been dying for 8 weeks solid its exhausting. I've started telling myself that I've had these symptoms before and I'm still here and asking myself whats makes today different from every other day I've survived. I truly feel for you it's horrible feeling this way :-/

09-30-2013, 02:34 PM
I feel the same!!!I often lie there all night thinking what if??I always think the worst lately,when I do have a good day,I feel guilty for having a good day!!!Wish I could wake up one morning and all the anxiety is gone!!!!!!

09-30-2013, 02:41 PM
I feel the same!!!I often lie there all night thinking what if??I always think the worst lately,when I do have a good day,I feel guilty for having a good day!!!Wish I could wake up one morning and all the anxiety is gone!!!!!!

Yeah I total understand that I question why I have good days, I think it's my mind playing tricks on me that I'm still dying anyway lol. Anxiety makes our minds very crazy at times. I've started on some meds which are just starting to work and they are really helping me rationalise my crazy thoughts. I'm still having bad days but I'm starting to see a way out which is making me feel really positive. Are you taking any meds? :-)

09-30-2013, 03:14 PM
I am taking propranolol at the minute,I have been on it for a number of years now,it doesn't work as good anymore.Need to get it changed i think!!!!
Been up doctors tonight because I was light headed and had ringing in my ears,he wasn't concerned about it,said it was from my sinnitis last week which I had antibiotics for.I keep thinking I have a tumour,if I think about it long enough,I am sure the pain gets worse!!!