View Full Version : Everyday dizziness and part and parcel of anxiety

09-30-2013, 06:18 AM
Hi everyone, I am so glad I have come across this. I have been suffering from anxiety for ten years. The last four years however I am dizzy on and off all day in combination of objects shifting or I am moving/swaying although I am not. I am really over it. I have had all kinds of tests done and they are putting it down to my anxiety. So, I guess my question is...do any of you have this ongoing persistent symptom and how did you go about getting rid of it? Cheers. :)

09-30-2013, 06:55 AM
I have it and I call it vertigo, seems like I'm moving when I'm not and it appears to be anxiety also.

09-30-2013, 07:49 AM
Hi everyone, I am so glad I have come across this. I have been suffering from anxiety for ten years. The last four years however I am dizzy on and off all day in combination of objects shifting or I am moving/swaying although I am not. I am really over it. I have had all kinds of tests done and they are putting it down to my anxiety. So, I guess my question is...do any of you have this ongoing persistent symptom and how did you go about getting rid of it? Cheers. :)

I'm currently dealing with this for two months straight. Are you on any meds for anxiety or beta blockers? I can't be certain but I feel mine is due to beta blockers. I hope you feel better soon . I've complained with mine so much that my doc has scheduled a CT for me on Wednesday. I pray all goes well. Hang in there!!

09-30-2013, 08:34 AM
I also have the chronic rocking/swaying sensation. I combat it by benzos.

09-30-2013, 11:27 AM
I do have the dizziness. Sometimes I'll be sitting at my computer screen and it feels like I pulled my head back slightly/quickly, but I didn't. Nothing gets the ol' ticker going like that! I've just started a med, and I'm hoping it will help with some of these symptoms. But I had been managing by getting checked out thoroughly by doctors, and then telling myself it is just the anxiety. It doesn't HELP anything for us to feel anxious, and I've been trying to focus on that lately.