View Full Version : 3am is calling

09-29-2013, 08:10 PM
Yep here I am again at stupid o clock. Wide awake and what annoys me is that it took me nearly two hours to fall asleep.

What doubly annoys me us that in 4 hours time when my alarm goes off for work I will be shattered. It's the first week I'm in work for 8 hours a day as well. Thankfully only 4 days this week as flying on Friday morning (so scared its unbelievable).

I normally love sleep and its no problem but since medication and my anxiety going sky high its been the complete opposite. I lie in bed with eyes wide open and think really unthinkable things and then I have trouble breathing. I try not to wake my partner up, but then think I need the loo or a drink. It's definitely too late to take kalm night tablets or anything else.

Does anyone else have this problem ? Or am I the only one awake at silly times ?

09-29-2013, 09:07 PM
I hate mot bein able to sleep.
Im exhausted and really meed to.go.daxl.to sleep but im neing kept awake with palpitations grrrrr