View Full Version : Words Sounding Foreign/Strange

09-29-2013, 06:23 PM
I know I've already got a thread on the main page, but I wanted to make a new one for this symptom. I'm so sorry if it's clogging things up.

Anyway, this particular symptom has been getting worse for me lately. I'll understand a word and use it in conversation just fine, but it'll sound weird to me. Like just..odd in general. Sometimes it happens with phrases too. I've been fairly in touch with reality otherwise, but it's really spooking me. I can still hold a conversation and write well enough (so far, though sometimes if I think too much while I'm writing I get thrown off), but listening can sometimes throw me off. It tends to happen a lot with words that can be tongue twisters too (the phrase "star trek script" throwing me off during an episode of breaking bad sticks out to me). I'm a bit worried I'm losing my mind here. I keep thinking about it, so of course it's getting worse/more frequent with time.

Has anyone had this problem? Should I be concerned?

09-29-2013, 07:41 PM
I think everybody gets this. If not, then I guess I have the symptom too lol.

09-29-2013, 07:49 PM
I just really want it to go away. It's making me feel like I'm nuts, or that there's something wrong with my brain :( It comes with this feeling of my head being in a fog, which doesn't help matters. The more I worry, of course, the more it happens. Sigh.