View Full Version : HELP! NewSymptoms??

09-29-2013, 12:30 PM
I don't get it am i backwards or nuts. I have a case of agrophibia a think it is and worry about health..However I feel ive had a good week in the sense of my energy levels have increased slightly ive managed to make an effort and get ready and spend time in the garden or a walk along block to corner shop and managing to get use to chest tightness ive felt......However ive had new feelings/symptoms. I never new how people could say they feel disconnected from life but im starting to feel that and its worrying. I dont know how its possible having a toddler but i feel some nights that lifes a set up? Maybes like whats the purpose in it?. My memory seems poor as my minds all over like a struggle to picture in my head what ive done this week and find myself looking at photos/videos of me and my son. Its the most upset ive felt during this whole anxiety process ive had building up nearly a year. I just keep trying to tell myself its my overworked mind itll soon change. Some body please tell me theyve felt this & felt fine after????.

09-30-2013, 05:24 AM
This sounds exactly like me! I was starting to feel better like I had more energy so I went to the corner shop and I have felt really anxious ever since it was a horrible, I also feel like my memory is rubbish now. I also have a toddler and I find it so hard to leave the house. I hope this passes soon!

09-30-2013, 11:32 AM
I've had bouts of feeling disconnected. For me, it's often "that time of the month" that is worst for me on that. I think it increases my depression symptoms. Of course, the anxiety sucks then too, but I do tend to feel numb-er and less connected that time. I have had the "what's the point?" thoughts before. Mine have come and gone - I didn't get stuck like that. Just the idea that you've noticed it, and are worried about it, shows me something. Says you WANT to feel better, and that is half the battle. Hope you feel better!!

09-30-2013, 12:42 PM
This sounds exactly like me! I was starting to feel better like I had more energy so I went to the corner shop and I have felt really anxious ever since it was a horrible, I also feel like my memory is rubbish now. I also have a toddler and I find it so hard to leave the house. I hope this passes soon!

Aw its reassuring to know i'm not the only one feeling this way....do you find it worse when toddler is in bed?
I do when im left to my thoughts. its my bad memory making me feel disconnected a think. like did that happen?
All the time. ive read its just cause my minds overworking on anxious thoughts it cant day in the day so well as
its overworking. so im hoping it passes xx

09-30-2013, 12:44 PM
I've had bouts of feeling disconnected. For me, it's often "that time of the month" that is worst for me on that. I think it increases my depression symptoms. Of course, the anxiety sucks then too, but I do tend to feel numb-er and less connected that time. I have had the "what's the point?" thoughts before. Mine have come and gone - I didn't get stuck like that. Just the idea that you've noticed it, and are worried about it, shows me something. Says you WANT to feel better, and that is half the battle. Hope you feel better!!

im desperate to feel myself soon just for my toddler. i hate been stuck in house alot when i want to be out spending time with him.

This sounds exactly like me! I was starting to feel better like I had more energy so I went to the corner shop and I have felt really anxious ever since it was a horrible, I also feel like my memory is rubbish now. I also have a toddler and I find it so hard to leave the house. I hope this passes soon!

Aw its reassuring to know i'm not the only one feeling this. its my bad memory making me feel disconnected a think. like did that happen?
All the time. ive read its just cause my minds overworking on anxious thoughts it cant day in the day so well as
its overworking. so im hoping it passes xx


09-30-2013, 12:55 PM
Aw its reassuring to know i'm not the only one feeling this way....do you find it worse when toddler is in bed? I do when im left to my thoughts. its my bad memory making me feel disconnected a think. like did that happen? All the time. ive read its just cause my minds overworking on anxious thoughts it cant day in the day so well as its overworking. so im hoping it passes xx

Its is so reassuring that other people no how your feeling and your not alone. When my toddler goes to sleep I go to sleep aswell so in not left thinking but if my partner takes my son out for a few hours then yes I do but I feel like it a lot if the time even in the day when in with my son. Yeah your right its just where we over think, I hope it passes soon aswell so I can get back to normality and not feel like a zombie all the time x

09-30-2013, 02:34 PM
Its is so reassuring that other people no how your feeling and your not alone. When my toddler goes to sleep I go to sleep aswell so in not left thinking but if my partner takes my son out for a few hours then yes I do but I feel like it a lot if the time even in the day when in with my son. Yeah your right its just where we over think, I hope it passes soon aswell so I can get back to normality and not feel like a zombie all the time x

aw im the same I find it hard to switch off during the day anyway, yer my memory been rubbish makes me feel like is life a setup I can remember and attach feelings to anything it upsets is when its things ive done with my toddler.....aw that's a good idea I stay up late another problem I need to sort my sleeping pattern out and il have less time to think. aw I really hope it passes and we both feeling back to normal soon, its awful when we want to do nice things with our toddlers and something that sounds so silly to others but is a problem, gets in the way xx

09-30-2013, 02:52 PM
aw im the same I find it hard to switch off during the day anyway, yer my memory been rubbish makes me feel like is life a setup I can remember and attach feelings to anything it upsets is when its things ive done with my toddler.....aw that's a good idea I stay up late another problem I need to sort my sleeping pattern out and il have less time to think. aw I really hope it passes and we both feeling back to normal soon, its awful when we want to do nice things with our toddlers and something that sounds so silly to others but is a problem, gets in the way xx

I get really fustrated that a year ago I was able to take my son out most days then all of a sudden my anxiety came back and I'm worse than ever I feel so bad I can't even walk take him anywhere, I'm really not looking forward to him going to nursery next year. I have a rubbish sleeping pattern to don't find it hard falling asleep but I wake up in the night and can't fall asleep again so I'm constantly tired. Yep I no I feel so silly that I can't even take him to the park and it sounds so stupid but in always on edge something bad will happen to one if us or if I faint he will be in his own. Do you take any medication for your anxiety?x

09-30-2013, 03:30 PM
I get really fustrated that a year ago I was able to take my son out most days then all of a sudden my anxiety came back and I'm worse than ever I feel so bad I can't even walk take him anywhere, I'm really not looking forward to him going to nursery next year. I have a rubbish sleeping pattern to don't find it hard falling asleep but I wake up in the night and can't fall asleep again so I'm constantly tired. Yep I no I feel so silly that I can't even take him to the park and it sounds so stupid but in always on edge something bad will happen to one if us or if I faint he will be in his own. Do you take any medication for your anxiety?x

wow that's exactly like me, it started around year ago just before last Christmas around this time. and I'm the same my son starts nursery next year and I worry in case I'm not better because some days I can go for like a 15minute walk and other days don't feel up to leaving the house, I'm planning nurseries in case I'm not better in time.
I have all the same worries as you. weird finally spoke to someone in the exact same boat. I tried it before off my GP but it made my heart skip beats and it made me start worrying about my health so I stopped them, its more a last option i'm trying to do speaking therapies etc. because I feel silly and don't feel anyone understands I bottle things up a lot so hope some talking and having someone who knows about anxiety maybe better, just hard to get the right help when can't go to GP or to meet therapists. x

10-01-2013, 04:35 AM
wow that's exactly like me, it started around year ago just before last Christmas around this time. and I'm the same my son starts nursery next year and I worry in case I'm not better because some days I can go for like a 15minute walk and other days don't feel up to leaving the house, I'm planning nurseries in case I'm not better in time. I have all the same worries as you. weird finally spoke to someone in the exact same boat. I tried it before off my GP but it made my heart skip beats and it made me start worrying about my health so I stopped them, its more a last option i'm trying to do speaking therapies etc. because I feel silly and don't feel anyone understands I bottle things up a lot so hope some talking and having someone who knows about anxiety maybe better, just hard to get the right help when can't go to GP or to meet therapists. x

That's when mine started around last Xmas time and it got so bad that around march I couldn't leave the house and still can't. Same as me some days I feel able to go for a walk and some days I just want to hide under my duvet all day, but usually when I go for a walk I get really off balance like I need to hold on to something and walk. I've been given citlapram 10mg but I haven't started them for that exact reason I don't want to get skipped heart beats because it makes me really anxious. I've done speaking therapies it was going really well and I was able to go in a few shops and leave my house for longer but then a family member passed away and i got really depressed and feel like I'm back to square one again. I'm like you I felt stupid talking to my therapist I bottle things up to but it did help, I've got my 3 month review this month she wants to see how I'm doing but I'm finding it so hard to leave the house I don't no what I'm going to do.

10-01-2013, 11:27 AM
That's when mine started around last Xmas time and it got so bad that around march I couldn't leave the house and still can't. Same as me some days I feel able to go for a walk and some days I just want to hide under my duvet all day, but usually when I go for a walk I get really off balance like I need to hold on to something and walk. I've been given citlapram 10mg but I haven't started them for that exact reason I don't want to get skipped heart beats because it makes me really anxious. I've done speaking therapies it was going really well and I was able to go in a few shops and leave my house for longer but then a family member passed away and i got really depressed and feel like I'm back to square one again. I'm like you I felt stupid talking to my therapist I bottle things up to but it did help, I've got my 3 month review this month she wants to see how I'm doing but I'm finding it so hard to leave the house I don't no what I'm going to do.

Aw its strange reading your replies cause your feelings and problems are exactly the same as mine, its god awful when im reading my books and it says "let time pass" cause I initially think god how much time, already feel like ive missed the summer with my toddler as I couldn't go out as much as I wanted too.
Aww I bet that was soo hard to feel more positive and confident like progress was been made and then been noked back to square 1 when sadly your relative passed away, im sorry to hear that. maybe tell your therapist you feel you need more help and more support talking to her about things and getting as much of your worries out of your
mind as possible. ive found been honest is always best.
ive just rang my doctor to call me back tomorrow morning to see about more help, I had a 4week therapy but it was more reading a work book and when it came to 1-1 talk in person couldn't get there so im hoping she might no proper cognitive behaviour therapy roots for me. I can totally relate with tablets im hoping she doesn't just send me a load tomorrow, there Is a range tho I wasn't on that make so might be worth a try for a week and see how you go. tablets is my last opinion cause I feel if anxietys in my mind its that I need to retrain to solve the long lasting problem x

10-02-2013, 07:52 AM
Aw its strange reading your replies cause your feelings and problems are exactly the same as mine, its god awful when im reading my books and it says "let time pass" cause I initially think god how much time, already feel like ive missed the summer with my toddler as I couldn't go out as much as I wanted too. Aww I bet that was soo hard to feel more positive and confident like progress was been made and then been noked back to square 1 when sadly your relative passed away, im sorry to hear that. maybe tell your therapist you feel you need more help and more support talking to her about things and getting as much of your worries out of your mind as possible. ive found been honest is always best. ive just rang my doctor to call me back tomorrow morning to see about more help, I had a 4week therapy but it was more reading a work book and when it came to 1-1 talk in person couldn't get there so im hoping she might no proper cognitive behaviour therapy roots for me. I can totally relate with tablets im hoping she doesn't just send me a load tomorrow, there Is a range tho I wasn't on that make so might be worth a try for a week and see how you go. tablets is my last opinion cause I feel if anxietys in my mind its that I need to retrain to solve the long lasting problem x

Yeah I no how much time does it take because I have missed summer with my toddler aswell I feel awful. Yep I felt like I was getting somewhere and was feeling positive and was able to do things on my own then I had the bad news about my relative and I'm even worse now, my therapist did give me some tips but haven't worked. Are you in the uk? If you are you can refure yourself to do CBT in your area. I feel like tablets are my last poison to but u keep saying in my head maybe I will give myself a couple more weeks to see if I get better but I never end up taking them I'm so scared to. Feel free to inbox me anytime x