View Full Version : Failed today :(

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-29-2013, 11:37 AM
Hi everyone,

You may have seen my last post on driving anxiety. I thought I had a hold of it - I was wrong

Friday I was driving to work, felt the need to pull over, pulled over and couldn't get my nerve back to carry on. Started to cry as I was so upset with myself. I phoned my husband and he said to come back home. I did, and he drove me in.

That night I had an event up at a local hall about 12 miles away. Got in the car but felt tense in a controlled way. Set up my stall etc and spoke to nearly everyone. Felt brilliant! Drove back no problems what so ever. Felt quite proud :)

On Saturday I did my usual drive to work. Sadly still tense but managed it. Felt okay

Today it all went wrong. Was with my other half driving to Perth which is about a 20 minute drive if that. Started to panic (dry mouth, racing heart, tense shoulder, tense lower chest, felt like I wasn't getting enough air in). Had to pull over and let him drive. Hated myself

Why is it that I can stand in front of people and tell them about services my business offers and not drive my car. All this because I had a panic attack behind the wheel about a week and a half ago.

I'm on a beta blocker but I think my system is used to it. I had a panic attack for such a stupid reason too - I had to open the shop at 9 and had a busy day ahead- daft!

I'm debating wether to see the Dr tomorrow. I don't want to be told I'm depressed. I'm really not. I just let things get to me. I'm on a waiting list for counselling which is about six to eight weeks away :0

I really feel like I am letting everyone down and quite upset that I can't seem to relax in my own car :(

09-29-2013, 12:49 PM
I think with anxiety, it always feels like you are letting everyone around you down because you don't feel "normal." And you feel like you are asking too much of them.

And once you have one panic attack or anxiety of any kind really, there's this constant fear that it will come back. That you can't control it. That you are helpless against it. I live in a constant state of fear of being attacked by my anxiety.

I hate when you think you are past part of it and then BAM! you are hit with some kind of attack. It makes everything feel a lot worse.

I know a ton of people who have anxiety about driving though. I am one of them.

Panic attacks come along because we feel overwhelmed by our anxious feelings. So you're not stupid! A busy day ahead can be overwhelming!

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-29-2013, 01:01 PM
I think with anxiety, it always feels like you are letting everyone around you down because you don't feel "normal." And you feel like you are asking too much of them. And once you have one panic attack or anxiety of any kind really, there's this constant fear that it will come back. That you can't control it. That you are helpless against it. I live in a constant state of fear of being attacked by my anxiety. I hate when you think you are past part of it and then BAM! you are hit with some kind of attack. It makes everything feel a lot worse. I know a ton of people who have anxiety about driving though. I am one of them. Panic attacks come along because we feel overwhelmed by our anxious feelings. So you're not stupid! A busy day ahead can be overwhelming!

Kind words :)

How do you get behind the wheel? Do you just fight it?

09-29-2013, 01:11 PM
Yea, unfortunately, I don't know how else to deal with anxiety except to fight it, but it feels like a never ending fight sometimes.

I also have a fear of driving on the freeway though and that I just don't do at all ever. I always find a way to get wherever I want to go using side streets, even if it takes longer.

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-29-2013, 01:19 PM
Yea, unfortunately, I don't know how else to deal with anxiety except to fight it, but it feels like a never ending fight sometimes. I also have a fear of driving on the freeway though and that I just don't do at all ever. I always find a way to get wherever I want to go using side streets, even if it takes longer.

I do that too!

Totally avoid motorways and complicated roundabouts.

I don't like speeds of 60 - 70+ Mph

09-29-2013, 02:14 PM
Hi I also suffer panic attacks while driving if I feel it happening I usually put my favourite song on loud and open my window fully :-)