View Full Version : Tmj

09-29-2013, 10:12 AM
Does anyone have tmj??and what symptoms have you got??!!!!!

09-29-2013, 12:21 PM
Does anyone have tmj??and what symptoms have you got??!!!!!

I have tmj I bite down at night and sometimes during the day. It effects my right side more it seems but it hurts sometimes to open my jaw kinda pops ear pain pain behind ear tension headaches neck pain pain at the base of skull and neck

It flares up sometimes and I'll where I bite gaurd when it gets bad

09-29-2013, 12:27 PM
Do you get ringing in your ears and neck pain?? My jaws click when I move them,they also crunch a lot!!!!!!

09-29-2013, 12:40 PM
Yes, I have TMJ. I even got a jaw surgery for it.

I don't get ringing in my ears, but that seems like a possible symptom. And pain in the neck and shoulders is definitely a possibility, too.

Generally, for TMJ, unforunately, the doctors usually ignore it and tell you not to eat or do things that give you pain. And sometimes they give you a night guard for your mouth to wear at night.

You can consider either going to a chiropractor or getting massages for your neck pain to help it.

Don't worry about the clicking and popping. My jaw actually dislocates itself whenever I yawn and when I showed a doctor, his response was to tell me not to yawn anymore. (LOL!) Clicking and popping are only bad if you feel pain at the same time. Otherwise ignore it.

09-29-2013, 12:50 PM
I get bad headaches,the doctor said migraines but i am not convinced!!!!!I take painkillers which don't touch it,could this be tmj symptom as well??

09-29-2013, 12:54 PM
It could be TMJ related, yes, but it might also be a migraine. I get migraines (along with having TMJ.) Do your headaches have any other symptoms? For me, I figured out they were migraines because I get sensitive to light and nauseous when I get them. Also, a few times, I went blind for a little while and those are all migraine symptoms.

Do you have any symptoms like that with your headache?

On the other hand, it might be TMJ related if you get the headaches at the same time as you get ear aches or the neck pain you were talking about. Like, if you eat something really chewy, does your jaw hurt and you get a headache? That's kind of how I know it's a TMJ headache, if it's more associated with jaw problems than with nausea and light sensitivity.

09-29-2013, 01:26 PM
I've got tmj and just got a mouth guard from my dentist to help. I must say it is improving slightly. I also get more pain down my right side. I get headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, it hurts to eat. I also get achy teeth sometimes it's all the top ones and then it switches to the bottom ones. It might be worth a trip to your dentist. They will check your jaw properley :-)

09-29-2013, 09:59 PM
Yep, I have had it for about 12 years. My symptoms are usually when I wake up in the morning because I clinch my teeth when I sleep. I have sore jaws, neck and shoulder pain, stiff jaws, tooth and ear aches, dizziness, and a clicking sound in my ears.

09-29-2013, 10:05 PM
i get pain up the back of my head too