View Full Version : Anxiety/Impending doom

Forrest Owl
09-28-2013, 09:30 PM
My anxiety is going through the roof. My mother in law passed away last week and I was close to her so this hit me really hard. but now I have this impending doom that some horrible health thing is going to happen to me, my husband or my daughter. I am petrified that I am going to have some horrible health thing/ or anything else horrible happen to me and that's it, some of this stems from when I lost my mom when I was 12, she passed away at 38 from Complications with Crohns disease, so I am afraid I will take after her( I am 29) my dads well, and we have nothing in my family and people seem to go on until their 90s but still I am sure genes dont mean much. I can not shake this feeling, and its taking over. I need some advice

09-28-2013, 10:46 PM
Hi Forrest Owl, I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother in law. I can totally relate to your fears. When my Dad passed away 6 years ago it led to a drastic increase in my preoccupation with my own health and mortality, and with the health and mortality of those I love. I still struggle with this today. In particular I obsess about cancer since there is/was a lot of cancer in my family. I really feel for you because I know how hard it is when these intrusive thoughts and worries take hold.

Do you see a therapist? I would definitely recommend this. A trained professional can help us work with our thoughts and put things in a slightly different perspective. There are all kinds of skills - CBT for example - that can be useful. I hope therapy is an option for you and that it's very helpful.