View Full Version : The fear!!!

09-28-2013, 06:28 PM

Well I've this heart anxiety for as long as I can remember. My chest is always sore and I'm so aware of every pain,thump,beat all the time. Does anyone else really worry about there heart?

09-28-2013, 06:36 PM
Yes, my main worry . Same stuff you mention. Doc says I'm fine. I'm not so sure

09-28-2013, 08:53 PM
All my worries are heart related usually. All the tests show normal, but still scary stuff.

Olive Yew
09-28-2013, 09:11 PM
Used to be the only thing I was anxious about. It's what started all these shenanigans. After I reined in my pointless and unhelpful mental babble of "ERMAHGERD YER HAVIN A HEART ATTACK!!!" All of my chest/heart discomfort went away. Now I get a lot of throat/breathing anxiety, bad headaches, muscle spasms, hot/cold flashes, adrenalin flairs, fatigue, lack of appetite, and Derealization. The last one is slowly backing off though (thank God!). But yeah your main battle with this one is knowing the chest pain, heart flutters, and irregularity is all anxiety and as soon as you can relax about that that symptom pretty much vanishes

09-29-2013, 08:04 AM
Yes, chest pains have really been my big worry and anxiety cause lately! For a while I was always freaking out about that I was having a heart attack. It concerned my folks so much that they took me to the doctor. And he listened to my heart and was confident I was okay, but I still have pains and thumps and weird palpitations--that I'm blaming all on anxiety..I deal with it better now cause I'm trying my best to just listen to my doc. But every time I get a pain, my first reaction is to start freaking.. and being that I haven't croaked yet, something must be alright, lol.......and the pain is fading away. Now I'm just worried that my health anxiety will cause me to worry about something else (cause my anxiety loves to be creative) ......but hang in there Kimby.. you'll be okay ! :)