View Full Version : How do I help my suicidal brother?

09-28-2013, 02:01 PM
I know this doesn't have much to do with anxiety, but I can trust everybody here.

For the past couple months, my brother has been really depressed. He says he doesn't get the point of life. I'm just like him, but I'm not going to commit suicide. He's 20 and he lives with me, his girlfriend (almost fiance) his mom and his step dad. He's been doing good the past week, but today must be really bad for him. He literally just came in my room like 10 minutes ago and just stood there. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he got laid off and his girlfriend is leaving him. I felt really bad for him. He told me "it's time" and I knew just what he meant. I think he's planning his suicide. I can't tell my parents because they will only make it worse. (I know this for a fact) I tried talking him out of it, I told him that only pussies commit suicide, and I tried telling him he's a roll model to me and committing suicide will make an impression into me. What should I do?

09-28-2013, 02:59 PM
If you think he is serious, you need to get him help ASAP. Don't worry if he will hate you for a bit, this is a serious matter and he needs help right away if he is seriously considering suicide. Now is not a time to consider options and spend time thinking about the best solution; if he wants to harm himself he needs help, plain and simple.

if this was my brother I would be driving him to the hospital right now and if I did not want to do that I would stay right next to him and watch him very closely for the next few days, forget sleeping.

09-28-2013, 03:44 PM
Get him help right now. Dont be worried if he is mad because the alternative could be much worse.

09-28-2013, 04:09 PM
Get him help right now. Dont be worried if he is mad because the alternative could be much worse.

Yeah totally ^

And actually it isn't as bad as it seems. When I got help for making plans to end my life, I couldn't believe how gentle people were. My doctor, my psych, the hospital. I got so much help that I never expected. A tiny part of me didnt feel so alone. So don't be too worried about feeling guilty.

You definetely gotta get help ASAP for him. Those desires can peak randomly. I felt a little better at one moment, could share a smile, then hours later it felt like I couldn't bare 5mins more of life. Its so unpredictable and cant be trusted. If your family can, try not to leave him alone for long periods.

I know all of this might make angry, but whatever- you can only be angry whilst alive, and thats whats important, right?

Best of luck man :)

09-28-2013, 06:09 PM
Get him help whether he wants it or not. Most depression needs a good kick in the ass to get through. If he's always been like this then maybe medication is the answer partly.

The self help center I went to when I felt suicidal after some bad medication reaction did pretty well in watching over me.

09-28-2013, 07:58 PM
I'm scared out of my mind right now. I thought he snapped out of it because we were having fun playing GTA V but I went to sleep and woke up he was gone. My dad and I looked threw the entire house and all of the doors were locked from the inside, so there is now way he could have gotten threw a door. I was scared every time I walked in a room because I just had the image of my brother hanging from the ceiling fan with a knot around his head. He's not in the house, so I don't know what to do. Sorry for bringing something non-related to the forum.

09-28-2013, 08:07 PM
I pray your brother turns up safe and that he can get the help he needs. I cannot imagine what either of you must be going through, but I hope he can be convinced that there is more to live for and that things will get better.