View Full Version : numbness tingling, why ?

09-28-2013, 08:43 AM
When my anxiety set in 2 1/2 mo ago I seem to wake up a hour or two early and either on leg is numb or one arm and hand is numb. It's kinda freaky it use to only sometimes happen and now it's like every other night and starting to freak me out because of the frequency! Anyone else? Idk how to not worry about it it seems like my muscles are just wasting away! I lost weight kinda quickly idk if its because i lost muscle maybe. I know numbness and tingling is a common anxiety symptom this just doesnt seem normal!

09-28-2013, 03:13 PM
and i get tingling in my face. ive already had a bunch of test done to unrelated stuff well its probably related like ibs and acid reflux stuff probably all stress but idk how to make it go away!

09-28-2013, 03:42 PM
I get numbness on my left hand side on and off....I've had numerous tests....and it has always been anxiety. It is unsettling though, I do understand.

09-28-2013, 04:13 PM
Yeah I get it quite often now I ended up in a and e a few weeks ago with a numb arm my whole hand went freezing and I lost all feeling. I had loads of tests done there and it all came back as just my anxiety. It's really scary but just tell yourself it's anxiety. (I no easier said than done) I also have noticed my sleeping pattern has gone to pot I'm up loads earlier than normal and my anxiety has only been in full force for 2 month so I think being fairly new to it makes it kinda worse. The way I look at it though is that it can only get easier from here :-)

09-28-2013, 07:00 PM
I'm getting a bit of tingling today too (usually in my head after I sneeze). I had it for a few days a couple weeks ago and I thought it'd never pass. But it did. I had numbness in my legs and arms, sometimes severely, weeks ago. That passed too. It's a common symptom.

09-28-2013, 07:21 PM
I'm getting a bit of tingling today too (usually in my head after I sneeze). I had it for a few days a couple weeks ago and I thought it'd never pass. But it did. I had numbness in my legs and arms, sometimes severely, weeks ago. That passed too. It's a common symptom.

Mines just at night or upon waking. I've also mad muscle stiffness in my right leg got checked for dvt it was fine I've had it for like 3 weeks :( idk why it's only on 1 leg.. Scary

09-28-2013, 07:26 PM
I used to wake up with my left leg feeling numb all the time--sometimes my arms too. It's scary, but I wouldn't worry too much. If it persists, maybe see a doctor.

09-28-2013, 08:52 PM
I've had a lot of numbness too. It started in my fingers, then arm, leg, and then face too. I actually spent a weekend in the ER because I thought I was having a stroke. I wasn't of course, just anxiety. It's scary stuff!

The tingles, numbness, and general lack of sensations are completely normal. Try to distract yourself when you feel it. It should go away.