View Full Version : The attacks

09-28-2013, 05:53 AM
I'm very prone to anxiety Attacks, I keep having them at school but the teachers don't seem to understand, and just tell me I'm overreacting, then I start crying in panic and I just don't know what to do! Help someone!

09-28-2013, 07:14 AM
How old are you? Too young to go on a light case of meds? It would be awful if the attacks messed up your schooling.

There are ways to treat them without meds though, it takes a little longer.

Your teachers sound moronic. Really moronic. Telling people they are overreacting or being dramatic when having attacks is the worst thing to do. The attacks have to be soothed. Just somebody saying 'I'm here if you need me' or 'we'll get through this together' can shorten attacks no end.

Obviously there's nothing you can do to stop panic attacks when they are about to come on, but that's ok, cos nobody ever died, went crazy, or got stuck in one. It has to be played down so it has nothing to feed off of, and left to pass on its own.

Some things that help a lot are distraction, talking to somebody, or counting backwards from 300, are just some ways you might be able to distract yourself in class.

Another useful thing to do, is use coping statements. 'I am handling this' 'everything's gonna be fine'... Etc. repeat them passionately over and over when your attacks are coming on.

A third useful tip for when in class, is detach yourself from them. Rate the attack out of 100, as if you were watching, or focus heavily on your feet touching the floor.

09-29-2013, 06:54 AM
Thankyou very much, that was a very honest decent answer, I'm going to try as many of them strategies as I can, thankyou very much :)