View Full Version : Fighting Depression

09-28-2013, 01:58 AM
hi there,

I'm new to this forum and would like to share one of the best way to fight depression is to read a lot of inspiring and motivational books and feed your mental and mind with hope and inspiration.

I sincerely hope that we don't resort to any sort of medications or pills to ease the pain.

I understand that this is so much easier said than done, but to overcome any moments - we have to fight our way out. It is difficult but certainly do-able.

I went through hell 10 years back, not to mention a long story here but what i did was keep myself busy and make it to a point to do this every day:

- Read how to beat depression by counter attack the thoughts with good reads before sleep.
- Say out loud every morning, "I will get better than yesterday, today" and repeat that for years to come. It worked well for me.

The longer we dwell in depression, the worst it becomes.

I hope i didn't offend anyone but at least shared there's always a hope... to believe in.


09-28-2013, 03:43 AM
I have PTSD which branches into depression, anxiety, panic and flashbacks with self abuse. The flashbacks don't happen much now and my depression has gone--- but panic and anxiety still there.
I beat depression... I think you can. Therapy and counseling helped a lot with that-- just having a friend who listens to you helps sooo much.
Listen to music that is uplifting to you, do hobbies you like Ie painting. Going back to college helped me too, as I was working on something and bettering myself.
Keep crisis line phone numbers handy and have at least one friend to talk to and open up to