View Full Version : Experiences?

09-27-2013, 11:56 PM
Can people tell me your experiences with derealization/depersonalization? How you recovered or how long you've had it? I'm in a dark place right now and just need some hope that this head fog will go away.<3

09-28-2013, 12:07 AM
When my panic disorder first struck, I had just been released from the hospital after I had a near death experience. I hemorrhaged after surgery and literally "saw the light"-- which, by the way, is very beautiful. So anyway, I got home and started worrying I would hemorrhage again and had my first panic attack. It was the scariest thing I ever felt. I thought I was having a heart attack. I didn't know what was wrong with me and kept having panic attacks, sometimes two or three in a row. That's when things became very dreamlike and unreal for me. It's just that build up of adrenaline. When it gets to a certain point, you're just out of it. The only thing you can do is accept the panic, accept the symptoms, and try to remain calm no matter what. Breathe. Let the scary thoughts come and float away like little puffs of smoke. Visualize the thoughts floating away. It's important that you use your imagination to do it because your creative side bypasses the rational brain, getting down deep to the subconscious, where a lot of this is happening. Most importantly, do not run from your fears, whatever they are. If you do, whatever it is, it will only reinforce your belief that your fears are justified and they won't go away. If you are afraid of driving, drive. If you are afraid of leaving the house, go somewhere.

09-28-2013, 04:03 AM
I think after trauma it depends in you. Find the right combination of treatment. Often counseling and therapy can help,, since it seems to stem from an experience. It is disruptive enough try meds or natural supplements but beware Although natural some supplements don't mix with certain meds.
But time seems to be something you need to accept in improving or feeling better.
Take things one step at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. Have at Least one fiend they can listen to you, and is suggest finding crisis or mental health lines just in case.