View Full Version : A General Worry

09-27-2013, 07:24 PM
I was just wondering if anyone could ease my "in the back of my head" worry.

Basically I'm not really active and I don't go out everyday and I spend most days sat down, mostly crossed legged and after a while my legs hurt, Now everything I explained there can cause "blood clots" (I hate that word) I'm just wondering if there's any ways I can sit comfortably I'm getting more active but there's still times where I'm going to be sat crossed legged and for the moment I'm just worried about it and of course it stem's into a bigger worry of blot clots over all, what can you do to prevent blood clots on a whole?


09-27-2013, 10:15 PM
I have a blood clot fear too. My doc did say that if you don't have a family history of clots you are probably ok. But otherwise, can you try to sit non cross legged? Or just move frequently? I used to get worried about sitting so long, but the doc said unless you were completely immobile it probably wasn't a problem.

09-27-2013, 10:37 PM
I have a blood clot fear too. My doc did say that if you don't have a family history of clots you are probably ok. But otherwise, can you try to sit non cross legged? Or just move frequently? I used to get worried about sitting so long, but the doc said unless you were completely immobile it probably wasn't a problem.

Well im not completely immobile its just Somedays I dont even have the energy to get out of bed, its so akward sitting non crossed legged
As I find no comfort but as for the moving more frequently I already plan to, get my ass in order, im moving next week and its my favourite time of the year so im going to be going out with my camera and also hopefully starting work so thats surely going go ease my mind a little, apart from the effort on my behalf I wanted to know information in general and you helped me with that so thank you very much :) luckily I dont panic or threat over health per say but its still in the back of my mind at times x

09-28-2013, 12:09 AM
i have been experiencing right leg pain on and off for 3 weeks but also just rencently had full blown health anxiety the past 2 months. I went to the doc and described my pain, he checked my blood for bloodclotting materials which was fine and had me do an ultrasound on my leg. which was fine.

if you get up and move even walking to the bathroom your chances are low of getting one i was nervous about this too but if you don't have a family histroy and u arent in the same spot for 36hours, crossing your legs wont cause it. quit worrying :)

09-28-2013, 03:15 AM
Maybe sit with your legs stretched out-- elevated ?? But inactivity will lead to more inactivity and lead to muscle cramps, and more pains vs if you're more active. Not sure why you're not active. If its medical, then follow what your doctor says is right for you. I get aches and pains in my legs and body too--- and find it worse if I'm not as active. When I'm active at first my body hurts from muscle usage, but then I feel so much better. But I'm a horrible self motivator.
Sometimes with anxiety I also find that physical ailments sometimes seem worse of you dwell on it. If you know why you have the aches maybe find something natural to take as a supplement but remember to check with your doctor and you can research online for any negative interactions. Drugs.com is Awesome because they tell you of any prescription, over counter, food, or supplement interactions.
If its arthritis for eg you can shark cartilage or glucosamine sulfate. ( I take the latter).
My Advice is to be as active as you can and if health or medics conditions are present follow what your Doctor says to do.
I'm getting an eliptical trainer this weekend: they are low impact on joints, and burn more than treadmills and bikes, and less stress on your knees than stairclimbers. Being healthy mind, body and soul is important and I find my stews level god down when all three are more in balance :)

08-19-2015, 03:37 AM
Is anyone suffering from health anxiety and looking to explore immersive therapy?

08-19-2015, 03:55 AM
(UK based)

08-19-2015, 04:30 AM
Is anyone suffering from health anxiety and looking to explore immersive therapy?

Immersive therapy?

As in working as a porn star? :D
