View Full Version : Me vs. Haunted Corn Maze tonight

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 03:38 PM
We shall see how this goes... I've been doing really well the past few days but... Purposefully going out if my way to get the pants scared off of me will be... Interesting. I really hope my Anxiety (Moon Moon) will stay the heck away and let me have some damn fun. I'm going with a friend of mine who took me last year (when I didnt have Moon Moon to deal with) and we had a blast. Hopefully all goes well this year too.

09-27-2013, 03:53 PM
I love Halloween and haunted houses (amusements) - have fun!

09-27-2013, 03:56 PM
Sounds like lots of fun! Hope Moon Moon continues to keep a very low profile!

09-27-2013, 03:56 PM
How'd you get over your cold so quick? Mine's still kicking my ass!

Sounds fun anyway :) Good luck!

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 03:59 PM
How'd you get over your cold so quick? Mine's still kicking my ass! Sounds fun anyway :) Good luck!

I had awesome antibacterials but now my severe ragweed allergies are being a pain in the butt. I've been one giant sneeze all day!

09-27-2013, 04:48 PM
When I and my sister were kids, we would go to the county fair, mostly to watch the equestrian events, see the 4-H animals, and to eat junkie food. We rarely when on any of the carnival rides. One time, my dad decided to take us to a haunted house exhibit. Well, each room one walked through had some scary tableau -- bloody corpse, giant spider, Frankenstein, snakes,two-headed Gorgon. headless horseman... etc, etc.

Room after room after room of these static stagey scary props that fooled no one, least of all me.

Comes the last room, we arrive at a seemingly yet another underwhelmingly scary set piece of a Dracula figure. Yawn!

Then, all of a sudden, Dracula starts to move towards us. My sister and I (we are teenagers) freak out, screaming bloody murder. It was just so brilliant. My Dad started laughing. We realized, of course, that we had been purposely lulled into thinking the haunted house was just a bunch of gruesome stock figures, so that, when someone moved, the fear was even more terrible. It was so brilliant, I have to say. So simply set up to catch people unawares.

Clever fun and a good old-fashioned fright!

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 04:58 PM
When I and my sister were kids, we would go to the county fair, mostly to watch the equestrian events, see the 4-H animals, and to eat junkie food. We rarely when on any of the carnival rides. One time, my dad decided to take us to a haunted house exhibit. Well, each room one walked through had some scary tableau -- bloody corpse, giant spider, Frankenstein, snakes,two-headed Gorgon. headless horseman... etc, etc. Room after room after room of these static stagey scary props that fooled no one, least of all me. Comes the last room, we arrive at a seemingly yet another underwhelmingly scary set piece of a Dracula figure. Yawn! Then, all of a sudden, Dracula starts to move towards us. My sister and I (we are teenagers) freak out, screaming bloody murder. It was just so brilliant. My Dad started laughing. We realized, of course, that we had been purposely lulled into thinking the haunted house was just a bunch of gruesome stock figures, so that, when someone moved, the fear was even more terrible. It was so brilliant, I have to say. So simply set up to catch people unawares. Clever fun and a good old-fashioned fright!

That's awesome!!!!

09-27-2013, 05:29 PM
Good luck with the Haunted Corn Maze! I hope Moon Moon doesn't spoil the fun! ..I've only been to a local haunted trail thing once--before anxiety was really bad-- And it was a lot of fun. Sure I was scared out of my wits, never having experienced such a thing, but I was laughing most of the time. I smile thinking about it now.. :)

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 05:47 PM
Good luck with the Haunted Corn Maze! I hope Moon Moon doesn't spoil the fun! ..I've only been to a local haunted trail thing once--before anxiety was really bad-- And it was a lot of fun. Sure I was scared out of my wits, never having experienced such a thing, but I was laughing most of the time. I smile thinking about it now.. :)

And I remember this one isnt like gross or horrible. Especially with Kayla (my friend) she mostly just laughs and compliments their costumes while i scream like a little girl. But her calm helped me a lot last year

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 10:16 PM
Update: Moon Moon turned into a total bitch and won hard core. Never even made it out of the house. Instead i watched a REALLY bad movie called The Core and tried to stay calm... I am now in my room with the air conditioning cranked up (hot flash) and trying to think happy thoughts. Yay.

09-28-2013, 12:47 AM
Update: Moon Moon turned into a total bitch and won hard core. Never even made it out of the house. Instead i watched a REALLY bad movie called The Core and tried to stay calm... I am now in my room with the air conditioning cranked up (hot flash) and trying to think happy thoughts. Yay.

That really sucks, Olive Yew. I'm sorry to hear that! Moon Moon needs to go take a hike! Are you able to go to the Haunted Corn Maze tomorrow instead? Hope that's possible!!

09-28-2013, 02:58 AM
Have fun!' Omg love Halloween anything!!! Yeah you're supposed to get scared. And enjoy those things because if you ever have kids you avoid those places on Halloween... For then.
Last year one house had a wicked haunted graveyard set up, Halloween movie music going, someone dressed as Jason Vorhees, and someone dressed as a zombie giving out the candy... Tombstones and a stake with a person on it ( or rather through it) that was fake obviously but looked real) and ahhhhh the guy in the mask on the Chair who doesn't move---- but me being in many Halloween outings knew he was real, and yep he moved when we got close... My daughter was 4 years old, so he didn't jump or move fast to scare.. Guess because she was so little but she soooo wa not phased. But now she's older and more aware. Soo.. May avoid those this year. Enjoy the scare and fun of Halloween!!

Olive Yew
09-28-2013, 06:32 AM
That really sucks, Olive Yew. I'm sorry to hear that! Moon Moon needs to go take a hike! Are you able to go to the Haunted Corn Maze tomorrow instead? Hope that's possible!!

Maybe not today (which was what you're referring to) but probably sometime. My boyfriend wanted to take me :)

Olive Yew
09-28-2013, 06:34 AM
Have fun!' Omg love Halloween anything!!! Yeah you're supposed to get scared. And enjoy those things because if you ever have kids you avoid those places on Halloween... For then. Last year one house had a wicked haunted graveyard set up, Halloween movie music going, someone dressed as Jason Vorhees, and someone dressed as a zombie giving out the candy... Tombstones and a stake with a person on it ( or rather through it) that was fake obviously but looked real) and ahhhhh the guy in the mask on the Chair who doesn't move---- but me being in many Halloween outings knew he was real, and yep he moved when we got close... My daughter was 4 years old, so he didn't jump or move fast to scare.. Guess because she was so little but she soooo wa not phased. But now she's older and more aware. Soo.. May avoid those this year. Enjoy the scare and fun of Halloween!!

Thank you :) i love halloween ^_^

09-28-2013, 08:58 AM
Update: Moon Moon turned into a total bitch and won hard core. Never even made it out of the house. Instead i watched a REALLY bad movie called The Core and tried to stay calm... I am now in my room with the air conditioning cranked up (hot flash) and trying to think happy thoughts. Yay.

Curse that darn Moon Moon ! Sorry Olive.. :( Sometimes it can just be too overwhelming..hopefully you will get to go when you are better and have some fun :) Keep running that AC! Really cold air definitely helps me.
..And btw, I've seen The Core-- totally terrible movie! lol, how did you end up watching that?

Olive Yew
09-28-2013, 09:08 AM
Curse that darn Moon Moon ! Sorry Olive.. :( Sometimes it can just be too overwhelming..hopefully you will get to go when you are better and have some fun :) Keep running that AC! Really cold air definitely helps me. ..And btw, I've seen The Core-- totally terrible movie! lol, how did you end up watching that?

My DAD chose it. He was all "lets comfort Kay by watching a movie" which is sweet but i hate apocalypse movies but this one turned out to be so bad, we were making fun of it more than anything else. Dad said he would have walked out if we were seeing it in theaters

09-28-2013, 10:06 AM
I feel you on the haunted maze. Last night I went out to a haunted house as well and was pretty apprehensive about going. I also went last year with some friends before my 'stuff' started appearing. It was great fun last year.

Anyway, I did make it out of the house, even though I was really considering not going. Not only that but I was in charge of driving all 4 of us to the place. I was pretty anxious the whole ride down there, but masked it alright. I was also pretty anxious during the the whole event, but had moments where I just found myself relaxing and sort of forgetting about my Moon Moon.

I surely didn't have the 'living in the moment' fun I had last year but I was very glad I went and even had moments of clarity. I laughed, I worried a bit too much and even got a bit startled during the haunted house. When I got home I felt amazing, though. I'm not sure why, I usually feel better at nights but last night I was feeling exceptionally good. Maybe I dumped most of my anxiety during the outing, who knows.

I hope you are able to make it to the maze next time around! But staying at home with the family and watching a movie doesn't sound too shabby either!

09-28-2013, 10:39 AM
My DAD chose it. He was all "lets comfort Kay by watching a movie" which is sweet but i hate apocalypse movies but this one turned out to be so bad, we were making fun of it more than anything else. Dad said he would have walked out if we were seeing it in theaters

Aw, yes that was very sweet of him :) ..I don't do well with apocalypse movies. I actually end up getting anxiety from watching things like that..but at least making fun of it can turn it into a brighter atmosphere.

Olive Yew
09-28-2013, 10:45 AM
Aw, yes that was very sweet of him :) ..I don't do well with apocalypse movies. I actually end up getting anxiety from watching things like that..but at least making fun of it can turn it into a brighter atmosphere.

Yeah same. I cant even do war of the worlds :P however I'm a sucker for Giant Bug horror movies :P those are hilarious.

09-28-2013, 01:38 PM
^ Indeed..from killer bees to giant ants to flesh eating cockroaches..lol, I don't think there's one that takes themselves too seriously.

Olive Yew
09-28-2013, 01:48 PM
The ants one is one of my favorites. It's so cheesy!