View Full Version : Im NEW here

09-27-2013, 02:10 PM
Well don't know what kind of help & answers I'm going to get but let's try. Ok so lets start, In April I had a headache for 2 weeks then went to docs and told its sinuses (but didn't use nose spray) I went again in June with headaches and tons of pressure realised it had been a couple of months so this time used nose spray etc it didn't help. From then on I had other stresses like my nan & family. But to top that off I've had myself worrying "what if its a tumour" for 4 months! :-/ at beginning of sept (i went to out of hours, hosp, drs calling for help) I've now been referred to headache clinic. Also at start of sept I sat in drs room crying my eyes out & panicking, he then prescribed me diazepam & propranolol (Diazepam was for 3 nights) oddly enough it took my pressure away but I've now got what you call head zaps, tremors, chest vibrations (which have now gone) but I get tingly down my back, legs, feet & down below..I'm now citalopram also but still get some tremors, tinglyness and pins n needles in head when I concentrate. My first lot of blood test was normal just had a repeat and get results on weds, a tad nervous due to the tinglyness and tremors :-( the pins n needles sensation seems to give me a headache & maybe make me tremor? Doctors are adamant its anxiety but will wait for neurologist too.

Any advice, what do people think without scaring me?

09-27-2013, 02:17 PM
Also another sensation that I had which has now gone since taking citalopram is that my skin on my felt it was inflating and then deflating again :-/ like my head was empty weird right?

09-27-2013, 04:28 PM
Hi Lisa, sorry to hear your having a rough time :-( i get all the tingly sensations, pains in arms, legs, chest and back. I also suffer really bad headaches daily. I've only felt this way for two month now but is horrible. I've had every test imaginable done but everything always comes back fine and it's my anxiety causing it. Your symptoms do sound like health anxiety. I often find sipping a pint of water with a couple of painkillers and my propananol helps a little. I would still mention to your doctor how you are still feeling, as often it takes a while to get the right meds. I love this forum and have got so much help and support from it. I hope you get as much out of it as I have :-)

09-27-2013, 04:30 PM
I found it very suppressive. I didn't tell my mum I was on it for a couple of years. She actually commented once I was off for about a month. She said she felt like she had the old me back and then I told her what medication I had been taking. My doctor wanted me to go back on it on Tuesday - last took it in 2010 and I said no. Instead I'm on beta blockers alone. I know everyone is different and what works for someone might not work for someone else.

09-27-2013, 07:13 PM
If diazepam helped that much it's good ole anxiety. Sorry If I read you wrong and it(diazepam) did not. Alankay

09-28-2013, 06:54 AM
Thanks for support/replies guys, will keep you updated etc. Looks like I may benefit from this site.

09-28-2013, 08:08 AM
Hi I'm new to this page, I have all the head sensations, was petrified it was a tumor too, :-( I have feelings if pressure, tightness, and like a feeling of something sort if just comes over my head, and then get derilisation and panic, it's weird it's like I'm obsessed with my head. I get tingly, burning feelings, creeping feelings all sorts been to doctors about 10 times over the last 8 weeks :( they gave me a neurological test/exam Wednesday and said I do not have any signs of a tumor, or any other illness but I'm still managing to panic about when the feelings come and had a massive panic attack last night :-( it's like someone is sort of pushing my head, then like a whossing, or tension it's always something, like my head is hyper sensitive, so iv been given propanol, and haven't tried them yet.. So frustrating isn't it, was getting bit better and now this new feeling has come which has made me panic more... Hope your feeling better soon :) x Kay x

09-29-2013, 12:39 PM
Eurgh! Head zaps have been quite strong today especially when concentrating. Before I was on citalopram I was experiencing really sharp ones and it felt like my skin was touching my brain, was horrible, only been on citalopram for a week and its helped a little but I feel pressure starting to rise slowly but when I move it feels normal :-/ is this my head trying to repair? Confused!