View Full Version : I don't know what is wrong with me or how to fix it.

09-27-2013, 02:04 PM
Hi, I am a 15 year old male and I haven't had any anxiety related problems in the past. Three days ago I watched a video about sleep paralysis and it terrified me, despite never having an experience of anything of that sort. Since then I have been in a constant state of fear and nervousness. I am scared of things watching me and seeing things in darkness/hallucination. My stomach has been hurting constantly and my heart has constantly been pounding because of my nervousness as well. I am startled and frightened extremely easily as well. It has gotten to the point where sometimes I am startled and extremely frightened when I get a notification of my phone. I cannot relax because I am always nervous. I feel as though my subconscious is scared but I am not. I feel as though I have convinced myself that I have problems even though I don't. This is extremely terrifying to me because I have never had any anxiety or fear problems in the past so I don't know why this is happening now. Ironically, when sleeping I am not scared but relaxed in my dreams. Also I have not been in school during the period of time that I have been describing.

How can I go back to normal and why is this happening?

09-27-2013, 04:40 PM
Something, somewhere at some level is bothering you I bet. Think about all that's going on with your and those you care for and you might figure it out. Family, etc Alankay

09-27-2013, 04:46 PM
Hi, I am a 15 year old male and I haven't had any anxiety related problems in the past. Three days ago I watched a video about sleep paralysis and it terrified me, despite never having an experience of anything of that sort. Since then I have been in a constant state of fear and nervousness. I am scared of things watching me and seeing things in darkness/hallucination. My stomach has been hurting constantly and my heart has constantly been pounding because of my nervousness as well. I am startled and frightened extremely easily as well. It has gotten to the point where sometimes I am startled and extremely frightened when I get a notification of my phone. I cannot relax because I am always nervous. I feel as though my subconscious is scared but I am not. I feel as though I have convinced myself that I have problems even though I don't. This is extremely terrifying to me because I have never had any anxiety or fear problems in the past so I don't know why this is happening now. Ironically, when sleeping I am not scared but relaxed in my dreams. Also I have not been in school during the period of time that I have been describing. How can I go back to normal and why is this happening?

Sounds like the beginning stages of anxiety issues. Usually people have a panic attack or something first. Maybe you had a little one. Just try and calm down before it gets a hold of ya.
Maybe go see your doctor. Good luck

Slammed Vdub
09-27-2013, 09:56 PM
Dont let anxiety get a full grip of you! Beat it down now in the early stages. You have to fully convince yourself that it is just you mind playing tricks on you. I have had sleep paralysis before and although it is scary at first, it doesnt last long and no reason to fear over. Just relax and get back to how you were before all of this happened.

09-27-2013, 11:45 PM
Hey.:) I think I can help you relax. When my anxiety started, one of my first symptoms was actually sleep paralysis. I'm not going to lie... It was scary the first time it happened. You feel possessed because you can't move. This is only because when you're in deep sleep (REM) your body is paralyzed and you dream. All sleep paralysis is, is your brain waking up before your body does. It's weird but I found out that when I do get the sleep paralysis, I just close my eyes and I'm INSTANTLY asleep again. The hallucinations are actually just dreams. Dreaming while awake! It's nothing to be frightened about.:)

09-27-2013, 11:52 PM
The video scared you and this is what happened... When you got scared, it triggered a reaction that released the chemical adrenaline into your bloodstream. Adrenaline is the chemical that gives people increased strength during a crisis. But it also makes your brain go into hyper vigilance mode. It starts scanning your environment for danger, making you feel very jumpy and overly aware. In extreme cases, you may see things that aren't even there! A stick might look like a snake. A spot on the floor might look like a spider. You're not going crazy. It is just your adrenaline jacked brain doing its job, trying to spot the danger and keep you safe. If you are not careful, you can get trapped in a panic cycle. The adrenaline freaks you out and you release more adrenaline, which freaks you out, etc. etc. etc. the only way to stop it is to face your fears, whatever they are, and continue on as if it is all harmless... Which it is! Anxiety is like an annoying friend who doesn't know when to go home. All you can do is ignore it until it burns out. Adrenaline takes about 12 hrs to metabolize, if you stop freaking out and don't add any more into your bloodstream. Just gotta be strong and ignore the weird sensations.