View Full Version : does fizzy pop making anyone anxiety worse

09-27-2013, 12:31 PM
for the first time in weeks ive treated myself to some cherry coke and my anxiety is going threw the ruff :( just wanna cry

09-27-2013, 12:51 PM
Sorry you're having that reaction, sazaroo.

Does the Cherry Coke contain something called aspartame? Aspartame causes anxiety attacks in some people. So it really could be something to do with the Cherry Coke. Hope you feel better soon!!

09-27-2013, 01:27 PM
Sorry you're having that reaction, sazaroo.

Does the Cherry Coke contain something called aspartame? Aspartame causes anxiety attacks in some people. So it really could be something to do with the Cherry Coke. Hope you feel better soon!!

Thank you so much

09-27-2013, 02:01 PM
It could be the caffeine. I stopped drinking it months ago and have been a lot better.

09-27-2013, 02:06 PM
It could be that, you knew you where drinking something you probably shouldn't, and you worried about it. And the caffeine too, of course

09-27-2013, 02:50 PM
I have the same issues with pop, I find the carbonation creates air/gas inside which makes me extremely anxious, and the caffeine gives me the jitters. I try to stick to lemon water, coconut water, herbal teas and decaffeinated products.

09-27-2013, 04:33 PM
Sorry to hear that :(

I only drink lemonade/sprite and don't find that. I was addicted to drinking coca cola two years back and would drink over 10 litres a week. I find I'm alot better without it, although I did have trouble cutting it out altogether straight away. Had massive headaches - so much so I remember wanting to go to a&e !

09-27-2013, 05:34 PM
I was off caffeine for a couple weeks and then I had half a can of Pepsi and within minutes I was shaking and not feeling good..I think somehow after not having any caffeine for a long period of time I ended up being super sensitive or allergic to it..which makes me wonder if you can develop allergies because caffeine or soda never used to do that to me.

09-27-2013, 07:27 PM
Yeah I wouldn't recommend fizzy's or anything associated with caffeine!I can't even have a sip of coffee otherwise i go into panic overdrive! But I like coffee:(

and energy drinks!? awh god I found that out the hard way! although mountain dew doesn't usually set me off, but to answer your question yes the coke is likely to set off anxiety :)

09-28-2013, 04:18 AM
If you have anxiety don't drink caffeine products. I find it makes my anxiety worse.

09-28-2013, 04:19 AM
And check caffeine levels in drinks.

09-28-2013, 04:25 AM
Guys thank you so much :) will defo stop drink it, is green tea good for you ?

09-28-2013, 04:37 AM
I drink green tea. It has natural caffeine by VERY low. And you can buy sparkling flavored water that's is caffeine and sugar free and is much like pop.

09-28-2013, 04:41 AM
FROm: http://www.webmd.com

Green tea is a product made from the Camellia sinensis plant. It can be prepared as a beverage, which can have some health effects. Or an “extract” can be made from the leaves to use as medicine. Green tea is used to improve mental alertness and thinking. It is also used for weight loss and to treat stomach disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, bone loss (osteoporosis), and solid tumor cancers. Some people use green tea to prevent various cancers, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, solid tumor cancers and skin cancer related to exposure to sunlight. Some women use green tea to fight human papilloma virus (HPV), which can cause genital warts, the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix (cervical dysplasia), and cervical cancer. Green tea is also used for Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, low blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), dental cavities (caries), kidney stones, and skin damage. Instead of drinking green tea, some people apply green tea bags to their skin to soothe sunburn and prevent skin cancer due to sun exposure. Green tea bags are also used to decrease puffiness under the eyes, as a compress for tired eyes or headache, and to stop gums from bleeding after a tooth is pulled. Green tea in candy is used for gum disease. Green tea is used in an ointment for genital warts. Do not confuse green tea with oolong tea or black tea. Oolong tea and black tea are made from the same plant leaves used to make green tea, but they are prepared differently and have different medicinal effects. Green tea is not fermented at all. Oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is fully fermented. How does it work? The useful parts of green tea are the leaf bud, leaf, and stem. Green tea is not fermented and is produced by steaming fresh leaves at high temperatures. During this process, it is able to maintain important molecules called polyphenols, which seem to be responsible for many of the benefits of green tea. Polyphenols might be able to prevent inflammation and swelling, protect cartilage between the bones, and lessen joint degeneration. They also seem to be able to fight human papilloma virus (HPV) infections and reduce the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix (cervical dysplasia). Research cannot yet explain how this works. Green tea contains 2% to 4% caffeine, which affects thinking and alertness, increases urine output, and may improve the function of brain messengers important in Parkinson’s disease. Caffeine is thought to stimulate the nervous system, heart, and muscles by increasing the release of certain chemicals in the brain called “neurotransmitters.” Antioxidants and other substances in green tea might help protect the heart and blood vessels.

09-28-2013, 04:44 AM

Info in green tea