View Full Version : Positive Med Experiences?

09-27-2013, 10:19 AM
So, I am at my wits end with this anxiety/depression stuff. It's been over month and I just want my life back. I am considering meds.

I was just wondering if anyone could share any good experiences with medications, where they took something and it made they feel like their old selves again. If so what did you take, how long did it take to work and how good did you feel?

I just really need to know there is a way to 'fix' all of this.

09-27-2013, 11:52 AM
In my experience I do way better on medication than off it. Meds don't fix everything and I still struggle, but I struggle a lot less on meds than off them. And for some people, medication makes all the difference in the world.

If you're doing really badly and can't put into practice any of the other helpful coping strategies, such as CBT or relaxation exercises - or if these strategies just aren't working - then I believe trying an SSRI medication is the next logical step. This is what I take. I personally don't take benzo's such as Ativan or Klonopin (except in dire emergencies once in a blue moon) because my issues are more long term so I don't need a quick fix and I also don't want to become addicted.

Some people do have side effects on SSRI's, especially at the beginning, but for most people these wear off quite quickly. I am lucky in that I have virtually no side effects from my medication. I was on Zoloft for many, many years, and I tolerated this medication extremely well. I switched to Lexapro recently because I felt the Zoloft had run it's course and I was hoping for a bit more of a boost (I have depression as well as anxiety). I have almost no side effects from Lexapro. With SSRI's it can definitely be a process of trial and error to find the one that works best for you. But it can be well worth it!!

Good luck to you, newzie!

09-27-2013, 12:27 PM
By reducing worry/rumination ssri's help me(I like fluoxetine) be less anxious but we all need to find the best fit for ourselves. For situations(flights, dental visits) where I would otherwise be unable to cope or would be panic stricken valium does the trick. Really any benzo at the right dose as they are more similar than different after adjusting for half life and potency. Am I medically or conditionally dependent(on the benzo in those situations)? Perhaps, but I can travel the world and work fully where otherwise I don't believe I would.
I also use propranolol(20-40mg) for social anxiety tremor/racing heart which gets me through confrontational situations with bosses, presentations, etc.
Yes, I wish I never needed any med but that's my situation and you may be very different. In short, they allow me to live normally for the most part. I never could beat anxiety by staying in the situation via exposure. But all should try and make sure that's the case before committing to meds. Alankay

09-27-2013, 12:54 PM
By reducing worry/rumination ssri's help me(I like fluoxetine) be less anxious but we all need to find the best fit for ourselves. For situations(flights, dental visits) where I would otherwise be unable to cope or would be panic stricken valium does the trick. Really any benzo at the right dose as they are more similar than different after adjusting for half life and potency. Am I medically or conditionally dependent(on the benzo in those situations)? Perhaps, but I can travel the world and work fully where otherwise I don't believe I would.
I also use propranolol(20-40mg) for social anxiety tremor/racing heart which gets me through confrontational situations with bosses, presentations, etc.
Yes, I wish I never needed any med but that's my situation and you may be very different. In short, they allow me to live normally for the most part. I never could beat anxiety by staying in the situation via exposure. But all should try and make sure that's the case before committing to meds. Alankay

That's a really good point about benzo's allowing you to do things that you otherwise couldn't, Alankay. It's great to hear that you are able to live normally!

09-27-2013, 03:42 PM
Once the Celexa kicked in it was a night and day difference. I went from home/bed bound to up and doing things. Ive had a lot of insomnia but my anxiety is loads better. Im on a low dose at only 12.5 mg. That's half a 20mg pill + liquid. I also stay busy which helps a lot. It allows me to retrain my brain and realize nothing is wrong with me.

09-28-2013, 09:00 PM
I use Lexapro. I was anti medicine for a while, but it's honestly the only thing that helped me feel like me again. It took about a month, but it got better. At first if felt more anxious, but after about 4 weeks I realized I did panic whenever I walked longer distances, or that I could sleep all night without freaking out. Little things that made my life better.

Whatever you choose, I hope you start to feel better!