View Full Version : The out of body -

09-27-2013, 05:30 AM
Wow I didn't know there was a name for this - "Out of body" experience. I often feel this more now then before it's so stressful as I think I'm slowly going to detach all together from the - "Norm." I often have trouble concentrating, reading, in and out of day dreams, and a constant feeling that this whole life of mine is not real. My two children are keeping me grounded but there is a fine line which I'm scared I'll cross over.

I have an understanding of my Physical symptoms though this feeling I have inside is very weird.

Also when talking to someone face to face within mins I feel uncomfortable and my vision starts to change like the light in the room gets brighter or I can't focus on the persons face? What's that all about?

09-27-2013, 07:37 AM
You kinda just explained what I feel... like exactly. My vision starts to change a lot. Everything around seems to look so fake kind of like a cartoon. I get the feeling that I'm leaving reality all of the time. I'm pretty sure it's a combination of depression, derealization, and generalized anxiety. Derealization will change your vision. I know when my derealization is coming on when my vision changes. Good thing is, that means it's not 24/7. Which means it's not permanent. Anxiety will often cause feelings and you confuse them with other things. Don't worry about it, you're not the only one.

09-27-2013, 11:51 PM
It's called derealization.:) nothing to be scared of. It goes away on its own but you must stop stressing about it. It's your brains way of saying "too much stress, I need to step back and take a break." Give your brain that break and all cognitive functioning will come back:)

09-28-2013, 03:50 AM
Thank you Jayj404 and Patchezzz for you kind words and advice - Yes I can see what you mean when saying it's your brains way of having a break that would make sense seeing as my thoughts are continuously racing up and down.
Jayj404 thank you for reassuring me about my vision - I thought with all my symptoms that I might have developed MS but that's just the Anxiety making you think the worst case before ruling out other reasons.

Again Thank You and Take Care :)