View Full Version : Fear of dying in my sleep

11-29-2007, 12:47 PM
On and off throughout the summe until now, I've had this fear that I will die in my sleep. I dread the nights before I go to sleep cause I get this feeling and thought that tells me, "Ok this is it. You might die in your sleep. What if you stop breathing in your sleep?" I think the reason I've been thinking this is that I have a great fear of death. It seems like more and more deaths keep happening - my friend's sister died recently, my friend's grandfather died recently, and a lot of my friend' s other relatives or their friends have died within these past few months. Also, in the news, I heard of a young man, who was in his 20's (about my age) who died in his sleep. It did not have anything to do with drugs or alcohol either. Hearing these stories brings a great amount fear when I go to sleep. I think to myself, "What if I die in my sleep? I'm not even ready to go." I feel like it's so silly to think this way so I'm trying my best to relax and gain trust in myself but it's hard sometimes.

11-29-2007, 05:41 PM

If you have thought this several times and you are still here posting now then - forgive me for pointing out the obvious - but you were wrong every time.

One effect of anxiety is that it makes you think that you have to get consciously involved in the things that your subconscious can quite easily look after.

You will only die in your sleep if you have some kind of serious pathological illness and I would bet my bottom dollar that you don't.

I'm not taking the piss because I've been there and I know exactly how you feel but it is only your thoughts that create this scenario. Even if you were to go to bed tonight wanting to die and putting all your mental effort into it, you couldn't make it happen.

Here is my email address - [email protected] - mail me if you need to talk. I will put a rational spin on your problems. I know that you will be alive in the morning to read this.

All the best


11-29-2007, 08:11 PM
There are ways to overcome this anxiety you are having, but the underlying fear of death that is triggering the anxiety can be beaten.

Death has been conquered.

If you want to lose the fear of death, listen to the following message. You can stream it from the following website:

I can't directly post links on this forum yet, but if you google the following ("The Gospel: The Cross of Christ" sermon audio) the first link leads you to the website. Make sure you copy the exact text within the parenthesis, including punctuation.

Go to that website and listen to that message, you will never be the same.

"O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

11-30-2007, 04:44 AM
That's all very nice but what if you don't believe in Christ? Not very helpful then is it.

12-05-2007, 03:36 AM
Why are you afraid of death?
I think you need to answer that question to know what you are afraid of.

12-21-2007, 04:44 PM
I'm afraid of dying too but you know what? When you die, if nothing happens, it's not like you'll KNOW. I mean your brain won't work anymore, you won't be aware of it. It's hard to conceive right now because we're humans and we imagine that we'll always know what's going on but in fact you won't when you die. You'll just be dead.

03-26-2009, 11:52 AM
Hi, I have a similar problem in that sometimes when I lie down in bed I will feel this sense of dread. I know nothing will happen, that I'm not goin g to die or anything. Nevertheless I get so anxious that I have to get out of bed. When I am in that state of mind the mere thought of remaining in bed is enough to provoke extreme anxiety. I know that I am tired and that my body and mind would benefit from a good nights sleep, but it doesn't make any difference. The feeling of dread is just too overpowering. When that happens to me the mere thought of being restrained in bed, for example if I was in a hospital bed and was prevented from getting out of bed, that thought alone fills me with incredible anxiety and fear. Could this be related to fear of death or perhaps some sort of deep fear of losing control?

03-27-2009, 03:00 AM
This is the worst experiance of Anxiety you will have for sure. Lying in bed thinking if you close your eyes you will die, ive been there and its not nice.

03-28-2009, 12:27 AM
I have had this fear before as well. I used to only sleep when i was physically exhausted and NEEDED it. Like the first reply said, you'd only die in your sleep from either extreme old age or some kind of severe mental illness, which, if you had I'm sure you'd be more than aware that you had it. Just remember: No matter how scary it seems, no matter how real it seems; it wont happen and everything will be alright.