View Full Version : Crying after intimacy?

09-26-2013, 07:21 PM
Ok so this is abit of a sensitive one...

Does anyone else have a sudden outburst of uncontrollable crying after sex? I used to but don't now, I only ever feel the urge but I don't cry now. I don't do the "deed" often but I still want to know is its anxiety related? It started out of nowhere I just burst into tears afterwards leaving my partner stunned, I did it a few times after the time and each time I've never understood why im crying all I know is its hard to stop crying!

I read somewhere that its just rush of adrenaline/mixed emotions only it doesn't happen all the time!?

09-26-2013, 07:31 PM
Sounds your in love

09-26-2013, 07:35 PM
I read somewhere that its just rush of adrenaline/mixed emotions only it doesn't happen all the time!?

That makes total sense and would definitely explain it. It also makes sense that it wouldn't happen every time because sometimes it's not as special as others!! I'm sure there could be other underlying reasons too, for example if there was any traumatic history or painful memories which were stirred up.

09-26-2013, 07:43 PM
frankzito - I am but the fact I don't cry as much as I used to worrys me and it makes me over-think massively "what if I don't love him" I have these feelings alot but I have intrusive obsessive thoughts!

Tailspin - I guess so, and sometimes afterwards I panic myself straight away thinking "why haven't I cried" because I did associate it with a good thing..strangely enough.
I know alot of the time I can't concentrate and I have intrusive thoughts during so then afterwards it wasn't anything "special" because I'm not thinking about it im just kind of getting on with that. and it could also be the fact I don't feel comfortable in myself as much as I used to.

I never really thought about this until now - which also links in with my "inability to think, numb mind"

Ey Dear, I'l get there in the end!

09-26-2013, 08:21 PM
Cry, laugh... Once I got a splitting migraine.

09-26-2013, 08:25 PM
haha I wish I laughed uncontrollably! that would be less embarrassing :D

09-26-2013, 08:31 PM
frankzito - I am but the fact I don't cry as much as I used to worrys me and it makes me over-think massively "what if I don't love him" I have these feelings alot but I have intrusive obsessive thoughts! Tailspin - I guess so, and sometimes afterwards I panic myself straight away thinking "why haven't I cried" because I did associate it with a good thing..strangely enough. I know alot of the time I can't concentrate and I have intrusive thoughts during so then afterwards it wasn't anything "special" because I'm not thinking about it im just kind of getting on with that. and it could also be the fact I don't feel comfortable in myself as much as I used to. I never really thought about this until now - which also links in with my "inability to think, numb mind" Ey Dear, I'l get there in the end!

Most people probably stop crying after intimacy after being together a while. I have yet to cry about anything after my first panic attack. It wasn't unusual for me to cry from time to time before.
Hope you sort it out :)

09-27-2013, 09:55 AM
Yeah im not much of an emotional person either, at least I wasn't until this anxiety reappeared I cry alot, but its settled down the past month, I can be fine one minute, and then I'l just start crying

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 10:23 AM
First time I did oral, i burst into tears afterwards but I was laughing too. My poor boyfriend thought he'd done something wrong and made me hysterical. I cant even explain what it was but that was the only time it had happened.. Then again I'm a virgin so I may cry after the real thing too 0.0 who knows!

Olive Yew
09-27-2013, 12:19 PM
Hi Olive Yew :) I cant explain how but I do know what you mean as I've experienced similar things but I dunno what it is :/ I always thought I was depressed like feeling really good and them you feel so good when it stops you almost feel empty as if there's no balance xx

Yeah.... Oh joys of the human mind. :P

Slammed Vdub
09-27-2013, 09:51 PM
Not sure if this helps, but my gf used to cry after, but this was 4 years ago when we first started. Also, she did NOT have anxiety.

09-27-2013, 10:40 PM
Not sure if this helps, but my gf used to cry after, but this was 4 years ago when we first started. Also, she did NOT have anxiety.

It does help as strangely mine started 4 years ago ish when I first started seeing my fella, although I did have anxiety somewhat but nothing major, does she now or not(cry)?

09-28-2013, 04:04 PM
I've read that it happens because of a sudden rush of hormones and can happen to guys too. Don't worry about it :) For me it also started out of nowhere about 3 years ago and totally freaked out both me and my hubby. However, it's not that awkward anymore, just needed to learn how to laugh and cuddle it off I guess :)