View Full Version : What is this?

09-26-2013, 07:10 PM
I feel like I've got a pretty good grip on this anxiety thing, but I'm still having trouble eating. Whenever I eat, my pulse jumps up to 100-120 bpm and I feel it pulsing in my skin and my head. This never happened to me until January of this year. Is this common for anxiety sufferers? My mind keeps telling me it isn't anxiety. I've had my heart checked and it is fine. My blood pressure is good at around 125/75. It's just this racing pulse when I eat that is bothering me, and sometimes a bit of dizziness and tiredness. I feel very weak after eating. Hopefully, plenty of other anxiety sufferers share this symptom. It's the only one I can't quite wrap my brain around.

09-26-2013, 07:20 PM
In my non-expert opinion, it's your anxiety. Heart rate is increased after eating to aide in digestion (scientifically proven); your anxiety is probably just making your increased HR more noticeable.

09-26-2013, 09:45 PM
Ugh! I want to go to sleep, but the thud thud thud is driving me nuts. I know it can't hurt me, but it just won't stop. It's going about 104 right now. I'm not panicking, but it's just so annoying. Maybe I should see about getting a beta blocker. Instead of an anxiety attack, I'm having an annoying attack.

09-26-2013, 10:07 PM
Wow. This is is the first time I have ever heard someone say this. I'm about to get sent back to cardiologist had camera down my throat ultrasound on my gal and blood tests all because of this reason. Every time I eat my heart races. I also know I can't exercise after I eat because I feel like my heart does this flip flop thing. Had holster monitor on and everything was fine. Starting to believe that it is all in my head. Once I do I think I will be much better.

09-26-2013, 10:54 PM
In my non-expert opinion, it's your anxiety. Heart rate is increased after eating to aide in digestion (scientifically proven); your anxiety is probably just making your increased HR more noticeable.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I also get more anxious after eating. I get extremely anxious anytime my HR rises and i had been afraid to eat and essentially kind of formed a bad eatin habit where id only eat one time a day because I didnt want to go through the panic attacks. Now that I know this i should be able to better rationalize what is happening when I am going through those panic attacks.

09-26-2013, 10:57 PM
Wow. This is is the first time I have ever heard someone say this. I'm about to get sent back to cardiologist had camera down my throat ultrasound on my gal and blood tests all because of this reason. Every time I eat my heart races. I also know I can't exercise after I eat because I feel like my heart does this flip flop thing. Had holster monitor on and everything was fine. Starting to believe that it is all in my head. Once I do I think I will be much better.
I had the camera down my throat and multiple scans. I was so sure something was wrong with me. For years i was in an out of hospitals and doctors trying to diagnose my problem. Suddenly, one day, someone suggest stress/anxiety. And it was like tunnel vision. I realized that was it. That was the answer to all of my problems. 7 years later now and im still learning how to live with this problem. But it was so relieving to finally have an answer to my problem

09-27-2013, 12:16 AM
Yes I am the same. Cardiologists. ECGs, holster monitor twice. Neurologists, MRI on the brain and neck. CT scans, XRays, ultrasounds on my stomach, camera down the throat. It has been never ending but nothing ever wrong. Did I mention the countless times I have ended up in the ER. Feel like such a tool. It's something new all the time. This is probably my 7th or 8th year as well. Just started back on Lexapro after coping with it for 2 years without it. Probably at my worst now however. I will get there I'm sure.

09-27-2013, 12:39 AM
Me, too, Mable. I had stress test, ECG, holster monitor, cat scan, blood work, camera down my throat and up my bum, Xrays, and nothing wrong. Well, strike that, I did have polyps, and one was precancerous, but they were removed and my doc said I dodged a bullet there, but nothing to explain the tachycardia except good ole anxiety. My blood pressure is a solid 120/70 and my ticker is fine unless I eat or have an attack. Resting it runs at about 75-84, until it decides to go haywire, then it rarely gets much above 120, which is actually barely considered tachycardia. I know this, but my brain wont accept it!!!