View Full Version : Weird one.. but anxiety and periods?! :)

09-26-2013, 05:56 PM
So I'm sure that since I've had anxiety, whenever I'm on my period it gets me with a vengeance! Its like ten times worse than normal. Insane mood swings, noticing everything, being so acutely aware of every aspect of my surroundings.. its driving me crazy! Please say other females get this?! Blaaaaaaaa I feel absolutely nuts right now. My boyfriend is here but he is asleep and its making me feel pretty alone and scared :(
Anxiety, you are a huge pain in the bum.
Love x

09-26-2013, 06:03 PM
Hey, Don't worry about it, its completely normal, if you already have anxiety as it is being on your period will just intensify it, when my sister is on she hates her partner and doesn't want to be with him and she has panic attacks, when she's off she's not half as bad! So I wouldn't worry its just stupid hormones, and anxiety! Hormones and Anxiety aren't the best of friends x

Now whilst were on this subject it would be relevant for me to ask anyone out there about the implant - I've had the implant in now for 4 years, its been replaced but the nurse put it in a different part of my arm, and the card even says its the wrong place, but she's adamant its the right place. anyways, I haven't had a period since having the implant for 4 years, but I'm not sure I'f I'm still experiencing the mood swings of a period once a month? I do get moody and what not but its hard to tell if its monthly ect because I don't have them :/

09-26-2013, 06:36 PM
I just posted about this yesterday. .....I had the worst anxiety along with cramping and crazy hormones. I looked and felt terrible. I a m feeling a little better today but still not great. Every month I go through the same thing.

09-26-2013, 07:54 PM
Count me in too!! lol... not fun, as soon as I start feeling more anxious I know it's coming for me! lol

09-26-2013, 07:57 PM
Me too! A week before my period I am an anxious mess!! :-(

09-27-2013, 06:00 AM
Yep me too and I'm putting the reason why I "out of the blue" took an overdose down to this. I had taken prescribed medication to stop my period whilst on vacation. Stopped taking it and was "crazed" before coming on. I hate hormones :(

09-27-2013, 06:20 AM
Yep me too and I'm putting the reason why I "out of the blue" took an overdose down to this. I had taken prescribed medication to stop my period whilst on vacation. Stopped taking it and was "crazed" before coming on. I hate hormones :(

Wait. Your doc gave you a med to stop your period, you took it as prescribed, and once you stopped taking it, you had some type of manic episode? That's scary. ...I hate hormones too. I've become this emotional mess I don't like very much.