View Full Version : worried i'm going insane??

09-26-2013, 04:57 PM
ok so this is gonna sound REALLY weird. bear with me please.

so ive been struggling with general anxiety for a long time, and usually im just nervous about my health. but recently i noticed that i can make myself feel like the world is spinning (it requires focus, but i can do it pretty easily). it's really annoying and it obviously makes me feel really off and weird. thing is, i can't seem to get myself to just stop. it just happens, and it feels like everything is rocking back and forth almost. i can't get my mind off it, and it's making me really anxious. i'm worried that i'm losing it in general. i really wanna just forget i realized i could even do this.

i'm worried that this already sounds totally insane. it's almost like getting an annoying song stuck in my head, only it makes me feel sick. i told a friend and she looked at me like i had three heads. i really have no idea what to do here, and i'm worried this already sounds nuts :(( anyone ever worry about insanity or anything like that?

09-26-2013, 05:12 PM
Your not alone, I get the weird rocky shaking wobbly feeling around me too as if the world around me is spinning!

09-26-2013, 05:17 PM
It's horrible especially when you focus on it, I find it quite frightening I usually try and do something to take my mind off it. I always think I am losing my mind. I asked my husband to have me a sectioned a couple of weeks ago, just was really fed up of feeling this way. But then it just takes one good day to put it all in perspective :-)