View Full Version : Does everyone with an anxiety disorder have derealization/depersonalization?

09-26-2013, 01:58 PM
Just wondering because some people think dp/dr is just anxiety, others think it's a form of childhood emotional trauma or whatever psychological definition it could be. It also seems to be a for of post-traumatic stress.

Some people say anxiety disorders can exist without depersonalization/derealization. This is what I want to confirm.

Oh and if you're not sure what depersonalization is, it's basically the constant feeling of "out of your body" or zoned out.

09-26-2013, 02:58 PM
Folks with great childhoods/families can develop anxiety. There goes that theory.
PTSD is based on memories/flashbacks inducing anxiety and associated issues/distress. Anyone can get it based on hideous experiences, even bad car wrecks.
Many have anxiety w/o depersonalization(never had it myself) and many don't have that complaint, some do. There are no "universals" with anxiety........except distress/anxiety itself. The core emotion of fear and doom. Other can rear there ugly heads as symptoms of anxiety though. Each person is unique. Alankay

09-26-2013, 02:59 PM
I feel like this all the time...

09-26-2013, 03:11 PM
I feel like this all the time...

I have anxiety/panic attacks and have never experienced depersonalization, or derealization.

09-26-2013, 03:16 PM
I dunno if I've experienced depersonalization but I feel like I don't have a personality like I was reset and everything was wiped.

09-26-2013, 03:18 PM
Interesting. I guess everyones anxiety is different.

09-26-2013, 06:58 PM
you are born with it. what it is your fight or flight kicking in your body in survival mode. getting you ready for something dangerous when ther is no danger at all. over time you start to become more sensitive to every little thing you feel. causing anxiety and it has a lot of different sensations including depersonalization and many others. depersonalization is the hardest to get by

09-26-2013, 07:05 PM
I dunno if I've experienced depersonalization but I feel like I don't have a personality like I was reset and everything was wiped.

This, is exactly what happen's to me! you're not alone on this one...first it started when I realized when my parents were speaking to me, I could see there mouth moving before I heard them, or I could hear them before seeing there mouth even move! and half the time it was almost like slow motion. and also alot of the time you feel astho your not even in your body, your walking down the street, your minds racing about allsorts, everything around you feels like a blur and then you remember, oh yeah I'm walking (Your legs sometimes feel astho there being controlled by something else and your not in control of your body) and lately I realized "I don't actually know who I am anymore I don't recognize myself, I'm not this person I used to be"

But yep, this too is another form of anxiety, big crowds normally trigger my derealization/depersonalization but I'm ok alot of the time.
I hope this gets better - remember also another reason you may feel although you don't have a personality is because your not really concentrating on yourself. It's really difficult sometimes but stick in there!

09-26-2013, 09:48 PM
I don't get that feeling very often, just when the anxiety is at its worst.

09-26-2013, 11:01 PM
i have anxiety but I no longer get dp/dr.

09-27-2013, 04:08 AM
Dp is a part of anxiety usually occurs with prolonged stress and anxiety as your body is in fear mode a lot it's your body's way of taking time out so your mind might be ther but your body is recovering and making u feel as tho your not ther to try and block the fear and recover it does pass with time but it's like anything the more you think about it or pay attention to it the more aware you are of it. I do get it every so often but I just carry in nd try and ignor it or if I'm at home I leave hubby dwn wiv the kids nd chill on be for abit wiv sum relaxation music or read ;)

09-27-2013, 05:25 AM
Wow I didn't know there was a name for this - "Out of body" experience. I often feel this more now then before it's so stressful as I think I'm slowly going to detach all together from the - "Norm." I often have trouble concentrating, reading, in and out of day dreams, and a constant feeling that this whole life of mine is not real. My two children are keeping me grounded but there is a fine line which I'm scared I'll cross over :(

09-27-2013, 11:54 PM
I have anxiety with derealization.:) it does go away along with the anxiety. Just a hint... Don't stress about it. It just makes it worse. Relax!

09-28-2013, 03:32 AM
My anxiety and panic stem from trauma when I was 19-20. After that I partied A LOT and did a lot of drugs, which began to wane when I got treatment for it ( I was Also depressed and had horrible flashbacks where I would often wicked self harm... But those don't exist anymore... Just panic and anxiety ).
Anyways I cannot say I've felt like that but when I am in panic mode I cannot think right, and my mind goes too fast and I don't feel or act totally myself.
BUT!! Everyone's symptoms with panic and anxiety are different. One of my college colleagues would pass out with panic attacks.
And if you are having these feelings / symptoms talk your doctor. Many people have dual diagnosis. It could be something else--- or Not. Maybe google some keywords to find more info on the computer.