View Full Version : Goodbye prozac hello propranolol

09-26-2013, 10:29 AM
Back to the doctors again today and medication now different. Tonight I will be on day 2 of not taking Prozac after three weeks. Still very tired and now have a uti infection as I've not been drinking (and eating) enough. Still have zero appetite and very sleepy but I'm sure a few days back at work will help that scenario ! Thankfully only a three day week as I've had to take my annual leave to cover being sick.

Hoping these new tablets will work, I remember once bring on beta blockers and citalipram and the combo wasn't good for me.

Thanks for reading.

09-26-2013, 05:12 PM
I take propananol it's taking a bit of time to get the dosage right but when they work they are fab. I feel like I've loads more energy and can actually be bothered to do stuff now. I really hope they work for you :-)

09-28-2013, 04:39 PM
I've been terrible on Prozac and can't be bothered to do anything around the house as I felt so rotten. Hoping new meds will get my butt into gear and sort this house out whilst also working full time !

Thanks for your reply, it gives me hope.