View Full Version : Help

09-26-2013, 08:07 AM
I'm looking for anything that might be able to relieve me at this point. I'm positive I have some serious anxiety, it's been getting worse. No one would ever guess this about me but I am struggling lately. I feel as If I am last choice and priority for everyone in my life, that I'm not wanted around and that I am completely alone... If I am left alone I draw tears to my eyes almost every time... And once I start to cry it's very hard to stop, it's a long, sad cry. I just feel sadness. I feel so exhausted and just hoping to hear how others cope and if anyone has the same issues.

09-26-2013, 06:17 PM
Hi Jess,

Welcome to the site. I'm really sorry you're having these feelings. Did something upsetting happen or did you just gradually notice you were feeling bad? Many of us here can relate to the sadness and sense of loneliness you describe so this is definitely a good place to share your experiences with people who know exactly how you feel. There's a lot of useful info here on the site and I really hope you find it helpful to spend some time here. Hang in there!! You are not alone!!

09-26-2013, 06:27 PM
Just gradually started feeling bad... It started in high school but very subtle and I am now in my second year of university as a Psyc major ironically.... It's just really bad this week and I'm feeling trapped, hearts always racing

09-26-2013, 06:39 PM
you are not alone though it may feel like but we understand

09-26-2013, 06:56 PM
Just gradually started feeling bad... It started in high school but very subtle and I am now in my second year of university as a Psyc major ironically.... It's just really bad this week and I'm feeling trapped, hearts always racing

Thinking back (and it was a long time ago now!!), I started getting bad mental health issues - mainly depression - when I was at uni too. I think it is a really stressful time. Especially if it's the first time you've lived away from home. There also tends to be quite a bit of drinking and stuff going on at that time, which can make things worse. I remember I went to see a student counselor type person and it was definitely helpful to talk about some of what I was feeling. Is there anyone like that you could talk to?

09-26-2013, 07:15 PM
I'm not sure really, I go to a huge uni with tons if kids.... I live at home though, which actually might make things worse because I find my house really stressful at times although I love my family. I'm also a lot younger than everyone around me so I'm left out of a lot, my boyfriend and all of my friends get to go out and party and club while I sit at home because I'm underage, it really makes the feelings of being left out and not wanted much worse.

09-26-2013, 07:34 PM
I can see how that could make you feel left out. Do you have any friends who are the same age as you who you could do stuff with sometimes? Also, does your boyfriend know how you feel? Hopefully you can go places just the two of you together so that you feel loved and included. Are you able to talk to him about this?

09-26-2013, 07:58 PM
Mayb a bout of some depression. Alankay

09-27-2013, 06:20 AM
I dont think its depression because I still try and be involved in everything and like the same things I used to and all that... The tears lately I think are coming from me realizing that something's wrong and not knowing what to do to make it better

09-27-2013, 09:40 AM
I agree that going off to university would be stressful. How are you handling your classes? Does going to class, studying psych make you generally happy? Do you enjoy the schoolwork you are doing?

Yes, I should think it could be difficult to live with your family if your friends live on campus. You'd rather be a full participant in campus life? Although, It does sound like you get along well with your family.

As far as not being able to go out because you are not old enough yet, well, that day shall come, correct?

Finally, and this might sound strange, but what's wrong with being alone? It strikes me that your self-confidence and sense of worth is too dependent on what others think of you, or that your happiness is derived from needing others to need or want you. Now, we all want to be loved and cared for, and nothing feels worse than suddenly being isolated from a group of friends, but my suggestion would be that you concentrate on your studies, take pride in that. Try not to get caught up in where you fit in re: other people's lives. To thine own self be true. You are loved. You have friends. And, it's ok to be alone as well.