View Full Version : Sharp pain on left side of head

09-26-2013, 06:50 AM
Has anyone ever got a sharp-like pain on your left side, near your ear? It's not really like a headache, no eye sensitivity or anything like that.. just a sharp pain that lasts about a second. I've been having these on and off for a few weeks and I'm getting nervous. My ENT ruled out any brain tumors when I saw him a week or so ago but my anxiety is still getting the best of me and still thinking it might be something serious. He said it might be TMJ issues so I'm looking more into that but idk I'm having horrible thoughts right now. Please tell me I'm not the only one that has had this. I'm trying to convince myself it's just my lack of sleep and/or anxiety and stress but i'm failing..

09-26-2013, 10:25 PM
I get pains and I call them 'head shots' all the time like fast shots of pain. I have had pain where you describe. Convinced myself I had a brain tumor or brain aneurysm. Had a MRI on my brain and was sure they missed something. I honestly now hunk it's muscle tension from my neck back and shoulders and also from clenching my jaw (which I don't realize I'm doing).

09-26-2013, 11:01 PM
That's great to hear I'm not the only one that has these. Neck back and shoulder pain can also cause it i'm sure. I have shoulder and sometimes neck pain from sleeping in a certain position so it's possible. I saw my orthodontist and he's going to make me a splint so I don't clench my jaw as much.. maybe that'll help my headaches. Although I still get the pain even when I'm not clenching my jaw so it's frustrating.

Even though I'm sure it's nothing serious and I'm just driving myself crazy, how can you get a MRI done? Did you have to see a doc and they recommended you get one?

09-27-2013, 12:09 AM
I was also having pins and needles in my face up and down my left side and had myself convinced I was going to have a stroke. Before I admitted I had anxiety drs sent me to heaps of specialists trying to find a cause. Went to see a neurologist and he ordered the MRI to rule out MS etc. Honestly find a good massage therapist. Out of the thousands of thousands of dollars I have spent at drs and specialists he is the only one that has alleviated symptoms and found the cause of anxiety and stress........now instead of the stroke I'm convinced I have a heart problem even after countless ECGs and the holster monitor twice. Ahhhh the cruel life of anxiety. This was my second visit to the neurologist. I think only a specialist can order an MRI.

09-27-2013, 04:32 AM
Ah that's horrible. but I'm glad you realized your anxiety instead of stressing out even more about stuff you don't even have. I'm definitely looking into a massage therapist, I just wish I wasn't so busy.

I might go see a TMJ specialist so maybe they'll order me an MRI, or maybe they won't.. idk I know it's stupid but it might just ease my anxiety if I get it done so we'll see and we'll go from there. I also have little shots of ear pain once in a while in both ears so that just even makes my worries worse. Another symptom is just another worry..