View Full Version : is this the same for anyone else

09-26-2013, 03:30 AM
people who don't go to places they used too no more.. (cos of feelin anxiety).. when u make plans and then the morning comes and u think about going to that place which is a bus journey or metro away.. does your heart start racing and u feel all worried and don't want to go!! any help to try make me just go as I'm wanting to back out :/

09-26-2013, 03:51 AM
Yes I get that feeling. Queues set me off because I had a few severe panic attacks while in queue. The Mind then creates an association so even thinking about it can cause symptoms. Avoidance is in the long term is making a bigger problem. I go to CBT and advice is start with a situation that makes you a slightly anxious and force yourself to do that task every other day for a few weeks. You will get anxious but the anxiety by the 10 th time is much less because your mind has broke the association with danger.

09-26-2013, 07:45 AM
Yes. You are feeling some Anticipatory Anxiety(http://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/anxiety/what-is-anticipatory-anxiety.aspx). Very common. Often from "what if" thinking too. Once you see how it works you usually expect and ignore as for the most part. Alankay