View Full Version : Hello: Long time PTSD/Panic/OCD sufferer.

09-26-2013, 12:32 AM
Hi all,

Like I stated in the title: I suffer from PTSD/panic attacks and OCD associated with the anxiety disorder, specifically OCD regarding derealization and depresonalization that can come from intense stress when suffering from PTSD. I have gotten tremendous help from CBT and can usually get through the anxiety and not let it capture me, but because I have obsessive worrying about my anxiety disorder, it can be especially difficult. Lately I have been having increased stress, short term memory loss, and panicky symptoms, inability to cry and increased OCD worrying about all of these symptoms. I'm extra sensitive, startle easily, and have a bit of insomnia. Sometimes a person just needs to talk about their coping strategy with another person or reiterate the grounding strategies they need to do because otherwise it can be all in your head and you can feel paralyzed or stuck with these terrible feelings. That's why I wanted to join this site: to practice my coping strategies. Furthermore, it's always easiest to give advice than to follow your own, so I believe I can be supportive and provide good advice to other anxiety sufferers.

Thank you. I hope to be of help to other anxiety sufferers, and I hope to be able to come to this site when I'm feeling like I can't get through it and my quality of life just feels too low and hopefully get through it with your support.


09-26-2013, 10:57 PM
Hi rps. Welcome to the site! I agree that it's very helpful to share our coping strategies, and that just the act of voicing them helps reinforce them in our brains. It sounds like you have a lot of strategies up your sleeve and I'll look forward to hearing about your techniques.

10-03-2013, 10:35 PM
Welcome rps, I hope that you find help and support on this forum and make friends like i have.

I have found loads of techniques to use during anxiety and panic attacks but it is putting in the stop between the bad thought and the urge. I have just been on a course trying to teach me to put that stop into the rumination cycles but it is not easy.

One quick technique someone just told me about is holding ice cubes, putting them on your neck, or put them in cold water and splash your face, or another is sniff smelling salts. These are really basic techniques to bring yourself right back into the moment and stop the rumination.

Other techniques I use a lot is meditation and I have just started having hypnotherapy which I have found is helping with specific problems which I ruminate on.

Hope this helps you, I have learned so many techniques but can still be so low and not be able to use them.