View Full Version : *Sigh* Another day

11-28-2007, 11:14 PM
So we were at the mall today, my inlaws, myself, my husband and my four year old. Enjoying some Christmas shopping, having fun, making plans for the upcoming holidays...that sort of thing--when it happened again.

For the last four days, I have been having not what I would call panic attacks, because they aren't that severe, but just... a sense of doom and despair. I couldn't focus...I just kept thinking something bad was going to happen, though I didn't know what.

Then...I get sad...I get sad over the overwhelming feelings of doom, but also over the fact that I am so friggin tired of this!!!! I know it won't get better over night, I know it won't just disappear as quickly as it came on, and I know I have to live day by day--but...to be honest...it is hard NOT to think of the future, especially when I have a small child. I keep wondering--am I going to feel like this on Christmas? What about next March when my birthday rolls around? How about on my daughters first day of school next year?

*sigh* I really, really... REALLY don't want to do this the rest of my life.

Sorry for the rant...just needed to get this all said. Sometmes, for me typing things out makes it feel better.

11-29-2007, 12:37 PM
Then...I get sad...I get sad over the overwhelming feelings of doom, but also over the fact that I am so friggin tired of this!!!! I know it won't get better over night, I know it won't just disappear as quickly as it came on, and I know I have to live day by day--but...to be honest...it is hard NOT to think of the future, especially when I have a small child. I keep wondering--am I going to feel like this on Christmas? What about next March when my birthday rolls around? How about on my daughters first day of school next year?

How do you know that? Do you know the future? Do you know how you will feel an hour from now? You have no idea how you will feel an hour from now. As far as you know, someone could knock on your door and give you a million dollars, or someone could offer you a cure to your ailment.

Step number one in your case is to realize that you don't know what's going to happen in the future.

Step two is truth. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is God, and He is capable of banashing these horrible feelings of doom. He did so for me, He can do so for you. Fill yourself with His Word. I suggest you take the time to listen to this, it may very well be the most important message you will ever hear. It's long, but it's worth it.

I can't directly post links on this forum yet, but if you google the following ("The Gospel: The Cross of Christ" sermon audio) the first link leads you to the website. Make sure you copy the exact text, including the punctuation within the parenthesis though.

Go to that website and listen to that. You will never be the same.

The Melody of Rain
12-02-2007, 12:52 AM
My good man, your methods repel people. I appreciate the message you are trying to spread but perhaps it would be more prudent to place a link in your signature rather than laboriously posting about the same message. I would imagine that must be quite time consuming.

You do this, and I will click it.

12-05-2007, 03:54 AM
Have you tried mindfulnes? It teaches you (your mind) to be here and now in the present. That is all there is - the present.
It took me a loooooong time to understand that myself, but you should try it. Things you are worrying about is a waste of time since you don't even know IF it is going to happen. Enjoy today.