View Full Version : Doctor appointment. Any advice?

09-25-2013, 11:58 PM
I decided I couldn't carry on like this. So I have a booked a appointment with a go for this morning. I'm 15, and my mum doesn't know. Me and my head of year at school organised it. We said that once I hear what the doctor says we will go out telling my mum. She doesn't believe there is anything wrong with me. I'm just nervous about what to expect. I'm worried they'll stereotype and think I'm pregnant or something when I go in. I know they are trained not to, but yeah. And, I don't know how to start everything off. When he asks what's wrong at the beginning. Advice anyone?

09-26-2013, 01:16 AM
Every single doctor is familiar with anxiety so they will be able to help you. I suggest asking for some initial blood work to see if anything is out of wack. A few good things to check is b12, vitamin d, thyroid, ferritin, and iron. If they do suggest medication try to go with something non addictive. Probably something directly for anxiety not an SSRI. Also see if your doc is open to natural approaches. There are a whole lot of supplements out there that really help people.