View Full Version : So very scared please help!

09-25-2013, 12:06 PM
My doc is weaning me off low dose 25mg atenolol thinking some of my many issues could be from this. But in reading about the horrendous withdrawal issues people face I'm terrified. This is day two of weaning. Had a severe panic attack yesterday hr was 150 ( high for me) it went down after two Ativan. Today I'm having dull chest pains and my resting hr is 90s. I'm so afraid I will have a heart attack someone please help me!!!!

09-25-2013, 02:04 PM
We can only reassure your anxiety and feed it, look in the mirror and ask for help. The power to heal is inside. Fear is not real, it can only exist in our thoughts.

09-25-2013, 05:54 PM
Blessed you have to take a leap of faith in the poccess of healing .

Stop reading the net . Your doctor would have you in hospital if there was any doubt .

The simply fact is that you are so anxious about coming off that this on top of ever thing else is going to raise your anxiety .

I am sure i asked you this but you never answered . What else are you doing to fix this problem ?

Have you told your doctor how often your taking the Ativann now ?

I started Prozac yesterday, I walk most days of week, cutting back on caffeine . But I'm so jacked up and tense I cannot relax. I'm taking 1 to 3 of 0.5mg Ativan to get thru this. I'm just so scared that coming off this beta blocker will result in a heart Attack I'm beyond scared.

09-25-2013, 07:00 PM
I was specifically told not to check my bp because with me being so anxious it would only make it worse. I did good for two days and today I gave in checked it 8 times. Most readings were 105-117 (top) over 85-94 (bottom). The top number of 104 scared me. One time it read 88/77??!!? That freaked me out . The highest was 151/87. Then ten minutes after was 104/93..... Am I just so paranoid that I'm making it worse.? I'm afraid to move cause I don't want to affect me heart. These readings were taken with a two hour period. I'm so scared!

09-25-2013, 07:09 PM
You're making it go up and down. Stop checking it. Distract yourself with something you enjoy, and try not to worry about the withdrawals. I was freaked about Ativan til I found out my mother takes them. She's 60 yrs old, with copd, and hasn't had any problems with it. Even has a drink with them. Lol. Those symptoms they list on the web do not list compounding circumstanc. Like, the dude that had a heart attack coming off the drug had had a triple bypass and had heart disease. They don't tell you that. They just have to list that someone died of a heart attack. Your doc wouldn't give them to you if he thought you might have problems with them. Just follow orders and stay of google. And take that bp cuff and burn it in the trash. It's poisoning your spirit.

09-25-2013, 07:37 PM
You're making it go up and down. Stop checking it. Distract yourself with something you enjoy, and try not to worry about the withdrawals. I was freaked about Ativan til I found out my mother takes them. She's 60 yrs old, with copd, and hasn't had any problems with it. Even has a drink with them. Lol. Those symptoms they list on the web do not list compounding circumstanc. Like, the dude that had a heart attack coming off the drug had had a triple bypass and had heart disease. They don't tell you that. They just have to list that someone died of a heart attack. Your doc wouldn't give them to you if he thought you might have problems with them. Just follow orders and stay of google. And take that bp cuff and burn it in the trash. It's poisoning your spirit.

Yep. You gotta stop checking your pressure. Not one of your bp readings you listed are dangerous. When you start getting consistent readings in the high 160 plus for your top number and over 100 for your bottom number then that's not good. Don't worry....please trust me. I've dealt with bonifide high blood pressure and had to end up taking meds. Even with that, I only checked it once or twice a week.

09-25-2013, 08:43 PM
It's like an addiction that I cant quit. Sounds crazy I know, but weaning off these beta blockers has put my anxiety into a whole new level, one that I have never experienced And its truly shaking me to the core . WHAT IF I DON'T CHECK IT AND MY BP SKY ROCKETS OR PLUMMETS THEN WHAT DO I DO???

09-25-2013, 08:51 PM
What if it doesn't. Blessed, life is a story we tell ourselves. The world we experience is not real. It's just a holographic simulation run by our brains, which is locked away in the dark inside the bony shell of our skulls. If you only tell yourself bad stories, the world is going to keep being an awful, scary place. Try telling yourself good stories, and keep doing it until you start to believe them. Your bp is fine. Withdrawals are not half as bad as Google makes them out to be.

09-26-2013, 06:19 AM
It is very hard at first when you are getting off your bp med not to want to check your bp constantly. The bp med is, in a way, a crutch and when it is taken away you are not sure if you can stand on your own.

I have stopped taking my bp med now because it was dropping my bp too low. I was told by my doc to initally check my bp once in the morning, once at night and keep it in a journal. After two weeks of results, I emailed them to her for review. After that I was cleared to continue without the med and only had to check it once or twice a week. You have to remember that bp is affected by so many different things and a temporary increase or decrease will take place. Thats completely normal. The problem arises when your bp is consistently high or low.....like EVERY time your bp is taken.
You have to distract yourself and keep yourself busy so you won't worry about your bp.