View Full Version : L-Theanine vs. L-Tryptophan?

09-25-2013, 10:01 AM
Hey, I've been looking into both L-Tryptophan and L-theanine but don't know which one to get or if any of these will provide the effects I want.

Basically, with anxiety I seem to have brain-fog or some form of low-consciousness. It's hard to describe it but it feels like I'm always stoned or drunk, with a lack of visual/mental clarity. Yeah, that's the best way to describe it summed up shortly.

I think it might be caused by my anxiety, but it could be caused by something like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia I don't know. I might change my diet as this might get rid of my anxiety and this clouded mind feeling. I might have an allergy as I have a lot of ance on my chest and back and I'm 18 and it should have gone by now ? I also get bad pain in my joints occasionally like 3 times every 5 months. Like I have been drinking alcohol and you get high uric acid.

I don't drink anything with caffeine inside it, and I only drink water mainly. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners.

Anyway, at the moment I'm not taking anything for anxiety, I have been on cannabidiol recently and am thinking of trying Kanna again as that helped with my depression last time. I have agoraphobia, social phobia, mild depression, anxiety, I seem to take things too seriously and at the same time I don't. I take things what people say way too seriously. I think about what they have said all day, I don't post things on Facebook anymore because I don't want people to judge me based on what I post etc.

I cannot go out on public transport, and more importantly I haven't been sleeping well at all. Even before the cannabidiol. I notice I fidget all the time in my sleep and sometimes notice that I think as I'm asleep. It's like someone in my brain is talking to me while I'm sleeping and it's annoying me badly. That doesn't happen all the time though. I have also been getting ringing in my right ear.

Anyway, L-theanine or L-Tryptophan ? I mainly want it for the brain fog / changed perception / lowered vision.

Thanks for your time and effort. :-) xx

09-25-2013, 10:51 AM
Hey, I've been looking into both L-Tryptophan and L-theanine but don't know which one to get or if any of these will provide the effects I want.

Basically, with anxiety I seem to have brain-fog or some form of low-consciousness. It's hard to describe it but it feels like I'm always stoned or drunk, with a lack of visual/mental clarity. Yeah, that's the best way to describe it summed up shortly.

I think it might be caused by my anxiety, but it could be caused by something like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia I don't know. I might change my diet as this might get rid of my anxiety and this clouded mind feeling. I might have an allergy as I have a lot of ance on my chest and back and I'm 18 and it should have gone by now ? I also get bad pain in my joints occasionally like 3 times every 5 months. Like I have been drinking alcohol and you get high uric acid.

I don't drink anything with caffeine inside it, and I only drink water mainly. I try to avoid artificial sweeteners.

Anyway, at the moment I'm not taking anything for anxiety, I have been on cannabidiol recently and am thinking of trying Kanna again as that helped with my depression last time. I have agoraphobia, social phobia, mild depression, anxiety, I seem to take things too seriously and at the same time I don't. I take things what people say way too seriously. I think about what they have said all day, I don't post things on Facebook anymore because I don't want people to judge me based on what I post etc.

I cannot go out on public transport, and more importantly I haven't been sleeping well at all. Even before the cannabidiol. I notice I fidget all the time in my sleep and sometimes notice that I think as I'm asleep. It's like someone in my brain is talking to me while I'm sleeping and it's annoying me badly. That doesn't happen all the time though. I have also been getting ringing in my right ear.

Anyway, L-theanine or L-Tryptophan ? I mainly want it for the brain fog / changed perception / lowered vision.

Thanks for your time and effort. :-) xx

Sup Kieran.

It's unlikely you have fibro or chronic fatigue, not cos they are really rare or anything, but your symptoms are synonymous with anxiety, and the exact symptoms I suffered for many years. I was pretty much ready to write them off to fibro or something, but then after a month of parties, taking illegally prescribed benzo's and smoking a tonne, I suddenly became super relaxed. I begun talking to lots of girls, networking at social events, and my life took a really weird and unexpected upturn -- and the brain fog and tiredness went.

I snapped out of my unhealthy living, got my mind back to normal, and annoyingly it returned. I knew it was anxiety then. I figured, even though I didn't REALIZE it at the time, social anxiety was bugging me pretty bad. It was also the combination of the anxiety, and a few frustrations present. Because I'd been to boys school until 19, I really never met or had had a relationship at the time. My social circle was small, and I felt kinda restricted, and I didn't want to be living where I was living. The problem for me, is no matter what I did to try change those things it either never worked, or something got in the way. So I was single, with low ish income, and few friends. And I desperately wanted it to be different, but it never quite happened.

Brain fog can often be kinda spiritual. It can often come through strong feelings, unable to be processed or understood. I've noticed so many people with social anxiety have brain fog. It seems like they have some strong desire to communicate, or express themselves and experience affection, but they kinda can't, and this intense repression and unfulfillment often creates a lot of brain fog.

It's something worth looking at. Are your needs getting met, are you feeling pretty fulfilled, all in all, in most or all aspects of your life? Is there a strong hunger or desire in you, that you aren't able to meet, some strong want you aren't able to attain? It could be anything from love, to respect, to freedom, to affection, to human touch, to desire to express yourself, to desire to create etc that you feel you aren't meeting? If so, you may be feeling a lot of free flowing anxiety, manifesting itself in ways such as tension, jaw clenching, brain fog, slow cognition etc etc etc the list goes on.

And from experience, there's no drug to help with an unmet need or desire. I god-near tried them all. The only thing that works is getting in a position that allows you to respect yourself better and better meet your unmet wanting. Improving social anxiety, improving self esteem, meeting my basic human needs for love and touch, affection and expression, were the only thing that ever really helped, as I flukely found out that month, when I was inadvertently doing the things I was too timid, afraid and unsure of to do.

I only say this as I commented on your girlfriend thread, and usually when there are romantic problems in someone's life, there are strong feelings accompanying it, or other issues affecting other areas of life.

To answer your question, serotonin will help move things along. I've found magnesium works well, as brain fog can often be caused by tense muscles restricting oxygen and blood flow. 5 http and theanine work well together, they prevent various neurotransmitter a from becoming lop sides, they create a nice balance.

09-25-2013, 11:13 AM
Sup Kieran.

It's unlikely you have fibro or chronic fatigue, not cos they are really rare or anything, but your symptoms are synonymous with anxiety, and the exact symptoms I suffered for many years. I was pretty much ready to write them off to fibro or something, but then after a month of parties, taking illegally prescribed benzo's and smoking a tonne, I suddenly became super relaxed. I begun talking to lots of girls, networking at social events, and my life took a really weird and unexpected upturn -- and the brain fog and tiredness went.

I snapped out of my unhealthy living, got my mind back to normal, and annoyingly it returned. I knew it was anxiety then. I figured, even though I didn't REALIZE it at the time, social anxiety was bugging me pretty bad. It was also the combination of the anxiety, and a few frustrations present. Because I'd been to boys school until 19, I really never met or had had a relationship at the time. My social circle was small, and I felt kinda restricted, and I didn't want to be living where I was living. The problem for me, is no matter what I did to try change those things it either never worked, or something got in the way. So I was single, with low ish income, and few friends. And I desperately wanted it to be different, but it never quite happened.

Brain fog can often be kinda spiritual. It can often come through strong feelings, unable to be processed or understood. I've noticed so many people with social anxiety have brain fog. It seems like they have some strong desire to communicate, or express themselves and experience affection, but they kinda can't, and this intense repression and unfulfillment often creates a lot of brain fog.

It's something worth looking at. Are your needs getting met, are you feeling pretty fulfilled, all in all, in most or all aspects of your life? Is there a strong hunger or desire in you, that you aren't able to meet, some strong want you aren't able to attain? It could be anything from love, to respect, to freedom, to affection, to human touch, to desire to express yourself, to desire to create etc that you feel you aren't meeting? If so, you may be feeling a lot of free flowing anxiety, manifesting itself in ways such as tension, jaw clenching, brain fog, slow cognition etc etc etc the list goes on.

And from experience, there's no drug to help with an unmet need or desire. I god-near tried them all. The only thing that works is getting in a position that allows you to respect yourself better and better meet your unmet wanting. Improving social anxiety, improving self esteem, meeting my basic human needs for love and touch, affection and expression, were the only thing that ever really helped, as I flukely found out that month, when I was inadvertently doing the things I was too timid, afraid and unsure of to do.

I only say this as I commented on your girlfriend thread, and usually when there are romantic problems in someone's life, there are strong feelings accompanying it, or other issues affecting other areas of life.

To answer your question, serotonin will help move things along. I've found magnesium works well, as brain fog can often be caused by tense muscles restricting oxygen and blood flow. 5 http and theanine work well together, they prevent various neurotransmitter a from becoming lop sides, they create a nice balance.

Yes, I do have low self-esteem and social phobia which is why I find it hard to be myself. I cannot be myself around girls which is why I'm having difficulty approaching girls and being myself around them.

I feel like the brain fog isn't helping because it makes me go blank minded. So I'm blaming everything on the brain fog for the reason I cannot get a girlfriend. When I do like someone I tend to try to prove myself to her by making a fool out of myself. And I've learned that all this has done is given me a bad reputation in the past. I'm 18 at the moment and only have two main friends that I met at college. I didn't meet anyone at my school who I liked.

The anxiety has made me picky as to who I'm friends with. I don't like people who are self-righteous or smug and think that they're better than other people. Everyone at my school was like that and I didn't like it one bit. I met two friends in my IT course who have now gone off to either a job or uni. I'm starting a English course tomorrow so hopefully find some more friends there.

I hate my family also, my nan is so controlling. If I buy anything off the internet in the form of pills she's like. " why have you been buying pills again..." or something to bring it up and I'm thinking to myself. " I'm 18, I can do what I want. I know what's best for myself." I feel stressed in my house. Always some form of shouting going on even if it isn't aimed at me it still gets me down.

I will try some L-Theanine and see how I go. I just don't want to stay like this forever, I feel that I'm going to be without a relationship my whole life. I don't even know where to meet new people. I feel like my social skills aren't good enough, as I barely have anything to say and don't know how to approach situations.

I know that vitamin C helps me a little bit. My friend seems that my social skills are better after vitamin C. :/