View Full Version : driving anxiety and general anxiety

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-25-2013, 03:51 AM
Hello newbie here

Nearly a week ago i was driving the short 10 minute journey to work (i run my own beauty business) when i started to get a huge adrenaline rush. I had racing heart, shaking, butterflies in the gut, and the overwhelming sense to stop the car and run. I did pull over and tried to calm down but had no option but to carry on as i was minutes away.

I got to work and was on the 'come down'. By the time i was half way through my client i was feeling better.

I am 80 mg inderal (propanalol) Half LA once a day and that particular day i took it 15 mins before i left which may have been why it was full force.

It was the fact that the diary was heavy that day plus all the extra stress.

I am now worried about driving. Especially to work. These past few days have been okay but im still on edge.

Any advice appreciated? X

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-25-2013, 07:55 AM
? Anyone? Really sick of it

09-25-2013, 08:02 AM
I'm not familiar with that med, but honestly, you really just need to feel it out....the samr med can cause different side effects in different people. You may need to take it a little earlier if possible or wait until after your drive. My med can give me a touch of dizziness so I have to take it a while before driving.

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-25-2013, 08:41 AM
Thanks for replying.

Ride the storm eh lol

09-25-2013, 10:00 AM
Thanks for replying.

Ride the storm eh lol

Yep......unfortunately. .....I have the same problem.

09-25-2013, 06:12 PM
I too am having panic attacks driving...I take metroprolol about an hour before I drive although it helps my heart from racing it doesn't clear my mind and makes me hesitate to drive alone..I don't know how to overcome this

09-25-2013, 06:30 PM
How many years you been driving ? How many times have you got in a car ? How many of these have in the least caused a problem ? I am guessing one . Pretty good odds it wont happen again hey . But then if it does big deal because you got though it last time and can again . Dont let your anxiety trick you , put the facts out there and tell yourself them again and again . Its ok to be a bit on edge but it will past as you get your confidence back , its just been shaken . Past driving fear so bad , could not even look at my car let alone drive it . :) It is very hard to drive with anxiety because anxiety is a over active nervous system and driving gets them all firing . Your looking at things buzzing by from every where , your listening , etc . You whole body is watching ever little thing waiting for things to happen . You know we never notice this but i bet you did when you first learned to drive . Its now become second natural but having anxiety is not helping that bit for now .

Spot on, with the driving with anxiety

09-25-2013, 06:41 PM
I am afraid of experiencing those symptoms and that's y I feel like I can't drive. I have been driving for 20 years... I have 2 kids and I fear driving anywhere cause I think something is going to hapen to me if I get a panic attack..like a heart attack or fainting...and then I get into an accident and my kids r in the car...the other fear I have is if there is no shoulder for me to pull over if I get a panic attack

Pamela 'Collie' Brawn
09-26-2013, 02:16 AM
I am afraid of experiencing those symptoms and that's y I feel like I can't drive. I have been driving for 20 years... I have 2 kids and I fear driving anywhere cause I think something is going to hapen to me if I get a panic attack..like a heart attack or fainting...and then I get into an accident and my kids r in the car...the other fear I have is if there is no shoulder for me to pull over if I get a panic attack

Thats what i feel now. I had a panic behind the wheel last week. The first full blown one. Now i have to drive this particular route so that i can get to work.

Today was easier. Once i got past the place where i had to pull over i actually felt i was stronger than the anxiety and that is a first! Felt 'normal' nerves but had control.

Treating myself to a camomile tea as i write :)

09-26-2013, 07:22 AM
I know I have to push myself cause right now I am avoiding the situation. Anxiety/panic attacks are just awful and unless u experience it yourself no one truly understands that's y I love this forum..thanks everyone for listening and giving great advice