View Full Version : Sick+Anxiety= one giant ball of stress

Olive Yew
09-25-2013, 12:59 AM
AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! I ALWAYS get allergies this time of year and the effect they have on my sinuses/breathing makes my anxiety go bonkers! I'm currently waiting for it to be 2:00 am so i can redose on my allergy meds and go back to sleep. I have rivers of snot running down my throat and anxiety is screaming "THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG" and I'm all "shush chatty monkey. I've got this under control". But goodness is is persistent!

09-25-2013, 06:01 AM
Aw, that's terrible..anything that affects my breathing sends me over the roof! I was sick recently and it made breathing a total hellish nightmare with the snot river and such, lol.. I hate how a situation persists like that, but you got it under control ! Just gotta keep telling yourself that and hopefully feel better soon :)

Olive Yew
09-25-2013, 06:31 AM
Aw, that's terrible..anything that affects my breathing sends me over the roof! I was sick recently and it made breathing a total hellish nightmare with the snot river and such, lol.. I hate how a situation persists like that, but you got it under control ! Just gotta keep telling yourself that and hopefully feel better soon :)

Thank you :)

09-25-2013, 07:49 AM
I'm just getting over a sinus infection and go my gosh you would have thought I was dying.... I felt so horrible and I was freaking out this whole time

Olive Yew
09-25-2013, 08:08 AM
I'm just getting over a sinus infection and go my gosh you would have thought I was dying.... I felt so horrible and I was freaking out this whole time

It's ridiculous is it not!? I mean it's almost funny how hugely our brains overreact!

09-25-2013, 10:59 AM
Hi im new here! Looking back I have always had anxiety but now it just seems to be worse! I got married a year ago, wentn through immigration process ( as im from uk and now a us resident) and moved home all in a matter of a few months !! Not to say moving countries and away from my family!
Now my anxiety has reached a new level! Going out I panic before I have even reached my destination and when I get there I start sweating, feel dizzy, feel like im going to pass out and feel all fast inside! The doctor prescribed me fluoxetine (which I have been on before) but it isnt working like it used to!! I simply just want to be able go out without expecting an attack before its even happened! These attacks scare me to be honest! Does anyone else get these symptoms and have suggestions?? Thanks

Olive Yew
09-25-2013, 11:21 AM
Hi im new here! Looking back I have always had anxiety but now it just seems to be worse! I got married a year ago, wentn through immigration process ( as im from uk and now a us resident) and moved home all in a matter of a few months !! Not to say moving countries and away from my family! Now my anxiety has reached a new level! Going out I panic before I have even reached my destination and when I get there I start sweating, feel dizzy, feel like im going to pass out and feel all fast inside! The doctor prescribed me fluoxetine (which I have been on before) but it isnt working like it used to!! I simply just want to be able go out without expecting an attack before its even happened! These attacks scare me to be honest! Does anyone else get these symptoms and have suggestions?? Thanks

Hey popsicle! Welcome to the site! I dont have anxiety for going into public but maybe someone else does. You can start your own thread and see what kind of results you get. Unfortunately not many people will probably comment on this thread because I created it for having allergies and anxiety.

09-25-2013, 11:45 AM
Sorry you are suffering Olive Yew. I have bad allergies too and they definitely increase my anxiety. Partly it's the difficulty breathing (my nose and sinuses get blocked) but it's also because my whole body feels like it's fighting something, and that whole body stress feeling always ups my anxiety levels too. Hope the next round of anti-histamines help!!

09-25-2013, 11:47 AM
Hi im new here! Looking back I have always had anxiety but now it just seems to be worse! I got married a year ago, wentn through immigration process ( as im from uk and now a us resident) and moved home all in a matter of a few months !! Not to say moving countries and away from my family!
Now my anxiety has reached a new level! Going out I panic before I have even reached my destination and when I get there I start sweating, feel dizzy, feel like im going to pass out and feel all fast inside! The doctor prescribed me fluoxetine (which I have been on before) but it isnt working like it used to!! I simply just want to be able go out without expecting an attack before its even happened! These attacks scare me to be honest! Does anyone else get these symptoms and have suggestions?? Thanks

Hi popsicle! Welcome! As Olive Yew suggests, I would definitely recommend you start your own thread as that way you will definitely get more replies. You just click on the "Post New Thread" button in the General Discussion Forum and start typing away!