View Full Version : Cloudy head?

09-24-2013, 05:43 PM
So I got hit with a pretty bad virus yesterday, and basically spent the entire day and all of this morning in bed feeling like garbage. I managed to get myself out of bed this afternoon and not feel totally exhausted and achy like yesterday. My sinuses are still a bit clogged, though, and my head feels like it's in a fog. Everything seems a bit dim, and my head just generally feels funny. Almost tired, but also kinda dizzy. I also feel a bit off in general. I had a pretty awful headache yesterday that went with the sickness, but I don't have one today. My mom says the fact that I was able to feel so much better in a matter of a day is proof that I'm in good health and shouldn't be so anxious, but I'm still quite worried. Especially since I've had sort of foggy head feelings for weeks now, though in much less substantial forms (to the point where I was able to chalk it all up to anxiety). I'm still pretty shaken up by it. I feel pretty out of it and I keep second-guessing some of my thoughts as being weird (though I do this a lot lately, probably still anxiety over having a brain problem).

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I'm just worried I'll sound crazy. I don't know if this is the virus working its way through my head or not, aargh. Anyone ever get like this when they're sick? Or just in general with their anxiety?

(also I'm terribly sorry for posting so much!!)

09-24-2013, 09:07 PM
He wont think you are crazy at all. Just let him know. I'm no expert, but i'm sure it's nothing serious.