View Full Version : Bug in chocolate

09-24-2013, 05:26 PM
I was just eating a bar of chocolate. I wasn't really paying attention as I was on the computer at the same time. I looked down and saw this bug-like thing in the wrapper. On closer inspection it looks like a spider or some kind of small flying bug. The bug is covered in chocolate so it must have fallen into the mixture at some point and set with the chocolate. I had almost finished the bar so I ate well over half of it. The chocolate didn't taste weird but now I'm feeling a bit sick and I'm anxious about contamination of the chocolate by this bug. In my mind I'm thinking of it laying eggs in the chocolate. I am kind of paranoid about food-borne illness and I'm definitely a bit of a germaphobe. Obviously I didn't eat the bug (unless there were more of them in the chocolate and I ate them without noticing), but still......The remainder of the chocolate looks fine. It's a high quality organic dark chocolate with almonds and cherries in it and it's within it's sell by date. I'm just freaked out by finding that bug. My husband told me not to panic because it's not uncommon to swallow, say, a small fly when you're out walking and one flies into your mouth. But, I don't know.....

Has anyone else found anything unexpected in their food and were you ok?

09-24-2013, 05:37 PM
No - but I read somewhere, and you can probably Google it, that whenever you eat a chocolate bar; there are also a certain amount of insect parts in every bar...

Here it is - the FDA allows this amount in chocolate
Average is 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams (when 6 100 g subsamples are examined)

09-24-2013, 05:38 PM
No - but I read somewhere, and you can probably Google it, that whenever you eat a chocolate bar; there are also eating a certain amount of insect parts in every bar...

Here it is the FDA allows

Wow! That's fascinating! Who knew?!! Thanks, u4ea!! I definitely feel better now (though it is very odd to think that I am consuming insect parts every time I eat a bar of chocolate!!)

Thanks for putting my mind at rest!!

09-24-2013, 05:41 PM
No problem - we're all eating bug parts when we eat chocolate!

09-24-2013, 05:43 PM
One time there was a roach baked into a pizza I bought. And I didn't eat it.

I didn't know about bug parts in chocolate..I knew about it in orange juice..hm, makes me wonder how many bugs I've been eating... oh well at least there's some added protein from the bugs so we can all feel better about eating chocolate :P

09-24-2013, 05:59 PM
One time there was a roach baked into a pizza I bought. And I didn't eat it.

I didn't know about bug parts in chocolate..I knew about it in orange juice..hm, makes me wonder how many bugs I've been eating... oh well at least there's some added protein from the bugs so we can all feel better about eating chocolate :P

Yes, it definitely makes you wonder! Glad you skipped the roach topping on that pizza!!

09-24-2013, 06:56 PM
Don't panic we eat lots of bugs we don't even know about...I saw this show were foods especially processed can have a certain number of bugs in it and still get the approval for being safe..peanut butter is one I can think of off the top of my head...so don't worry u r fine

09-24-2013, 09:11 PM
I heard a story about a guy that found a dead rat inside his monster can. He's super paranoid now and will only drink from bottles that are clear. At least you're not that guy!

09-24-2013, 09:28 PM
I heard a story about a guy that found a dead rat inside his monster can. He's super paranoid now and will only drink from bottles that are clear. At least you're not that guy!

LOL!! Yes, at least I'm not that guy!! :D

Thanks tmolf and jayj!